I'm trying to add a new database catalog to my client environment in a windows server machine.

So I've run the db2cmd tool and then the db2 tool on a windows command console once there I executed the command:

db2 => list db directory

 System Database Directory

 Number of entries in the directory = 2

Database 1 entry:

 Database alias                       = DB01
 Database name                        = DB01
 Node name                            = DB01
 Database release level               = d.00
 Comment                              =
 Directory entry type                 = Remote
 Catalog database partition number    = -1
 Alternate server hostname            =
 Alternate server port number         =

Database 2 entry:

 Database alias                       = DB02
 Database name                        = DB02
 Node name                            = DB02
 Database release level               = d.00
 Comment                              =
 Directory entry type                 = Remote
 Catalog database partition number    = -1
 Alternate server hostname            =
 Alternate server port number         =

Then I add a new catalog following the docs:

db2 => catalog tcpip node DB03 remote ***.***.***.*** server *****
DB20000I The CATALOG TCPIP NODE command completed successfully.
DB21056W The directory changes may not take effect until the directory cache is

After that I run list db directory again and the result was the same as previous one. I then, run the command:

 db2 => list node directory

  Node Directory
  Number of entries in the directory = 3

 Node 1 entry:
  Node name                      = DB01
  Comment                        =
  Directory entry type           = LOCAL
  Protocol                       = TCPIP
  Hostname                       = ***.***.***.***
  Service name                   = *****

 Node 2 entry:
  Node name                      = DB02
  Comment                        =
  Directory entry type           = LOCAL
  Protocol                       = TCPIP
  Hostname                       = ***.***.***.***
  Service name                   = *****

 Node 3 entry:
  Node name                      = DB03
  Comment                        =
  Directory entry type           = LOCAL
  Protocol                       = TCPIP
  Hostname                       = ***.***.***.***
  Service name                   = *****

So the node was created but it didn't show on the directory list, looking through the docs it says that I should run the terminate command

Notice: The command terminate is needed to refresh the directory cache.

Then it leave the db2 terminal and then I entered it again run the list db directory and again nothing changed.

So, my question is: How do I refresh the database directory??

I'm new to DB2. I have a lot experience with Oracle and what I could understand that this configuration is like adding a new entrance on the the tnsnames.ora file


1 Answer 1


Node directory and database directory are different things. The node directory lists DB2 instances. The database directory lists databases in those instances.

Once you have added a node to the node directory, you will need to catalog a database on that node:

catalog db yourdb at node db03

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