I asked this on the general site, but they suggested I come here for ultimate optimisation. It really boils down to which is faster; doing a load of calculations in php with database stuff that is accessed once, or doing two database calls. (There are about 1000-1500 table entries, and I have to use the lot.)
Here is my original question:
I am not a great php coder (I come from C++). I am using php only for database entry.
I have a database with the following:
UserId (an unique int)
AsyncPointsAverage (float)
AsyncPointsAverageRank (a position based on the value immediately above)
AsyncPointsRecentAverage (float an average for the last 5 tests only)
AsyncPointsRecentAverageRank (a position based on the value immediately above)
There are about 1000-1500 entries in that table. Every morning and afternoon 5 people take a test which effects their overall average and recent average. (This is updated elsewhere, but not shown here.) After that is calculated for those 5 people, then the rankings of all 1000-1500 will be effected, so I have written the code below. Is it optimal?
The thing I am most concerned with is I am doing a MySql UPDATE about a 1000 times. Is that great? Should I be doing it another way? (Also feel free to optimise any other code in the function. As I say, I am from a C++ background, so do not really know the nuances of php.)
// Sorts by array entry 1
function ReRankCompareAverage($a, $b)
if($a[1] == $b[1]) return 0;
else return ($a[1] > $b[1] ? 1 : -1);
// Sorts by array entry 2
function ReRankCompareAverageRecent($a, $b)
if($a[2] == $b[2]) return 0;
else return ($a[2] > $b[2] ? 1 : -1);
function ReRank($db)
$i = 0, $j = 0;
$usersARR = null;
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT UserId, AsyncPointsAverage, AsyncPointsRecentAverage FROM studenttable");
if($stmt && isset($stmt) && $stmt->rowCount() > 0)
$i = 0;
while(($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)))
$usersARR[$i][0] = intval($row['UserId']);
$usersARR[$i][1] = floatval($row['AsyncPointsAverage']);
$usersARR[$i][2] = floatval($row['AsyncPointsRecentAverage']);
$stmt->closeCursor(); // mysql_free_result equivalent
// The first pass of $j == 3 does the ranking by Average, filling position $usersARR[][3] with that rank
// The second pass of $j == 4 does the ranking by AverageRecent, filling position $usersARR[][4] with that rank
for($j = 3, $j <= 4; $j++)
$iCompare = $j == 3 ? 1 : 2;
usort($usersARR, $j == 3 ? "ReRankCompareAverage" : "ReRankCompareAverageLast");
$count = count($usersARR);
if($count > 0)
// Start it off, with the person with the highest average is rank 1
$usersARR[$count - 1][$j] = 1; // Position $j is filled with the rank
// Now loop starting from the second one down
for($i = $count - 2, $rank = 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
// Only change the rank if the next one down is strictly lower than the one above, otherwise will share the same rank
if($usersARR[$i][$iCompare] < $usersARR[$i+1][$iCompare]) $rank = $count - $i; // Otherwise keep the same rank, because they are equal
$usersARR[$count - 1][$j] = $rank;
// Now $usersARR is filled with the correct rankings, and they are asscoiated with $UserId
// Now we must put all of these rankings into the database
$count = count($usersARR);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE studenttable SET AsyncPointsAverageRank=:AsyncPointsAverageRank, AsyncPointsRecentAverageRank=:AsyncPointsRecentAverageRank "
. "WHERE UserId=:UserId");
$stmt->execute(array(':AsyncPointsAverageRank' => $usersARR[$i][3],
':AsyncPointsRecentAverageRank' => $usersARR[$i][4],
':UserId' => $usersARR[$i][0]));
After several answers, including not having any rankings in the database, but doing the rankings instead on-the-fly with:
SET @rank=0; SELECT @rank := @rank +1 AS rank, UserId, AsyncPointsAverage FROM studenttable ORDER BY AsyncPointsAverage DESC
This obviously has one draw-back, namely it does not cater for the follwoing scenario: if the 2nd and 3rd ranked people have 88%, they will both be ranked 2nd. The next person will then be ranked 4th (leaving rank 3rd out entirely.)
Another person has suggested I do something like:
AsyncPointsAverage DESC
$stmt = $db->prepare("SEE ABOVE...");
if( $stmt && isset( $stmt ) && $stmt->rowCount() ) {
$rank = 1;
$last_grade = -1;
while( ( $row = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) ) ) {
$usersARR[$i][0] = intval($row['UserId']);
$usersARR[$i][1] = floatval($row['AsyncPointsAverage']);
$usersARR[$i][2] = floatval($row['AsyncPointsRecentAverage']);
if( $usersARR[$i][1] < $last_grade ) {
$usersARR[$i][3] = $rank;
$last_grade = $usersARR[$i][1];
but obviously this has to be done again for the RECENT Average, ie you are doing two calls to the database.
So please be super-critical of my code. I am not a php or mysql expert, so I will not be offended in any way. The way I see it, I want to learn.