I have this schema with data:

CREATE TABLE `ticket` (
  `id` INT NOT NULL,
  `name` VARCHAR(45) NULL,
  `type` INT(11) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`));

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  `ticket_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `fk_task_1_idx` (`ticket_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `fk_task_1` FOREIGN KEY (`ticket_id`) REFERENCES `ticket` (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `planing` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `task_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `fk_planing_1_idx` (`task_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `fk_planing_1` FOREIGN KEY (`task_id`) REFERENCES `task` (`id`)

INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `name`, `type`) VALUES (1, 'ticket_1', 1);
INSERT INTO `task` (`id`, `name`, `ticket_id`) VALUES (1, 'task_1', 1);
INSERT INTO `task` (`id`, `name`, `ticket_id`) VALUES (2, 'task_2', 1);
INSERT INTO `planing` (`id`, `date`, `task_id`) VALUES (1, '2016-06-01 05:00', 2);

INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `name`, `type`) VALUES (2, 'ticket_2', 1);
INSERT INTO `task` (`id`, `name`, `ticket_id`) VALUES (3, 'task_3', 2);
INSERT INTO `task` (`id`, `name`, `ticket_id`) VALUES (4, 'task_4', 2);
INSERT INTO `planing` (`id`, `date`, `task_id`) VALUES (2, '2016-06-01 05:00', 3);
INSERT INTO `planing` (`id`, `date`, `task_id`) VALUES (3, '2016-07-01 05:00', 4);

INSERT INTO `ticket` (`id`, `name`, `type`) VALUES (3, 'ticket_3', 1);

When I perform a select:

SELECT ticket.id AS ticket_id, task.id AS task_id, planing.date as due_date 
FROM ticket
  LEFT JOIN task ON task.ticket_id = ticket.id
  LEFT JOIN planing ON (task.id = planing.task_id AND planing.date IS NOT NULL)
WHERE ticket.type = 1
GROUP BY ticket.id
ORDER BY planing.date ASC

on MySQL 5.5 I get

ticket_id | task_id | due_date
1         |1        |null   
3         |null     |null   
2         |3        |2016-06-01 05:00:00  

and on MySQL 5.6 I get

ticket_id | task_id | due_date
3         |null     |null   
1         |2        |2016-06-01 05:00:00    
2         |3        |2016-06-01 05:00:00  

example link

How to get the same behavior on MySQL 5.5 as on MySQL 5.6 (app server uses the MySQL 5.5 version)?

  • Please tell me that those aren't actual field names. Calling everything id is a recipe for confusion when debugging - maybe table_name_id? Also, date (an SQL keyword) and type (also used in pgsql) - not a great idea. Just because it's possible, doesn't mean that you should do it. You should consider PostgreSQL if you want consistency in your queries.
    – Vérace
    Commented Mar 28, 2016 at 15:52
  • Can you improve the question title please? It's very vague atm. Commented Mar 28, 2016 at 17:17

2 Answers 2


You just need to stop relying on the non-standard behaviour provided by GROUP BY when the only_full_group_by SQL mode is not enabled.

Normally, when grouping, you cannot retrieve a column that is not specified in the GROUP BY clause unless you wrap it in an aggregate function. That is because that column may have many different values (remember, we are talking about grouped rows) and there is no way to specify which value of the many should be used in the output. There is a recent extension to that behaviour according to which columns that are functionally dependent on the GROUP BY columns may be selected without specifying them in the GROUP BY, but MySQL has so far went the simple road of offering you just two modes: either you cannot retrieve non-GROUP BY columns without aggregation at all or you can retrieve any such columns, regardless of functional dependence.

So, in this case, you are retrieving columns task_id and due_date that clearly can have various values per ticket_id. Which value is ultimately selected is out of your control, and that is the problem. The solution is to define for yourself exactly which row from the other tables you want to get when you are grouping by ticket.id and implement the logic the way it can be followed unambiguously.

For instance, if you want to go by the behaviour you are observing in MySQL 5.6, you could define it as

the earliest non-NULL due_date and its corresponding task_id per ticket_id.

Based on that, you could define the logic as follows:

  ticket.id AS ticket_id,
      task AS t2
      INNER JOIN planing AS p2 ON t2.id = p2.task_id
      p2.date = MIN(planing.date)
      AND t2.ticket_id = ticket.id
  ) AS task_id,
  MIN(planing.date) AS due_date
  LEFT JOIN task ON task.ticket_id = ticket.id
  LEFT JOIN planing ON task.id = planing.task_id
  ticket.type = 1
  MIN(planing.date) ASC

This is certainly much more coding than your original query, but the extra bit of code is not redundant, because this way you are making your results predictable.

The only simpler alternative that might emulate the MySQL 5.6 behaviour could be to rewrite the query like this:

  ticket.id AS ticket_id,
  task_id AS task_id,
  planing.date as due_date
    INNER JOIN planing ON task.id = planing.task_id
  ON task.ticket_id = ticket.id
  ticket.type = 1
  MIN(planing.date) ASC

In my tests, the above query returned the same results for 5.5 as the original did for 5.6 for your example. Although the two queries should logically give equivalent results, they are not exactly equivalent: the rewritten query explicitly changes the logical order of joins. Perhaps that prompted MySQL to choose a different path through the data.

But whatever the reason for the different output, please keep in mind that there is no guarantee the behaviour will match for every scenario. I will repeat, you need to stop relying on the behaviour that is not documented, or, actually, documented to be undefined:

The server is free to choose any value from each group, so unless they are the same, the values chosen are indeterminate.

  • Out of curiosity, I decided to run the schema through PostgreSQL. Interestingly Andriy, your queries both fail on PostgreSQL. My understanding was that the point of your queries was to have a "standard" query. PostgreSQL is very much standards oriented so it seems to me that a standard query should work with PostgreSQL?
    – Vérace
    Commented Mar 28, 2016 at 15:47
  • @Vérace: The second one is just a minor tweak that happened to cause MySQL 5.5 to return the same output as 5.6, it still uses non-standard GROUP BY. The first one was supposed to be a standard SQL replacement. My mistake is the task.ticket_id reference in the subquery. It should be ticket.id instead. Thanks for pointing this out, I'm editing my question.
    – Andriy M
    Commented Mar 28, 2016 at 16:03

Short version: You can't. At least not with that query.

You are relying an extension To MySQL that permits you to SELECT columns that are not aggregated columns, nor listed in the GROUP BY clause.

Specifically, for ticket_id=1, you have 2 rows returned, prior to grouping them. One has task_id=1 and the other task_id=2.

According to the documentation:

The server is free to choose any value from each group, so unless they are the same, the values chosen are indeterminate. Furthermore, the selection of values from each group cannot be influenced by adding an ORDER BY clause.

That is what you are seeing. The fact that you went from 5.5 to 5.6 is not relevant, as the server can potentially return either result on either version, and explicitly states in the documentation that it will do so.

You can try this query:

SELECT ticket.id AS ticket_id, task_planing.task_id AS task_id, task_planing.date as due_date 
FROM ticket
  task.id AS task_id,
  FROM task
  INNER JOIN planing
  ON task.id = planing.task_id
  LEFT OUTER JOIN planing later_planing
  ON later_planing.task_id = planing.task_id
  AND later_planing.date > planing.date
  WHERE later_planing.task_id IS NULL
) AS task_planing
ON task_planing.ticket_id = ticket.id
WHERE ticket.type = 1
GROUP BY ticket.id
ORDER BY task_planing.date ASC

It makes an assumption that the columns in the planing table are not actually NULL, as they are not in your sample data. If some data is actually null, then you will need something different, as your choice to allow NULLs complicates queries like this.

  • This query won't work under PostgreSQL either.
    – Vérace
    Commented Mar 28, 2016 at 16:09

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