For a search functionality I am using a view that has the records from all the tables within which I need to search for. The view has almost 20 million records. Searches against this view are taking too much time.
Where should I look to improve the performance of this view?
The rough definition for the view is below. It includes thirteen tables and around thirty fields.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[v_AllForSearch]
FT.firstField AS [firstField]
, FT.fld_primary AS [fld_primary]
, FT.fld_thirdField AS [thirdField]
, FT.fld_fourthField AS [fourthField]
, ISNULL(ST.[fld_firstSearchField],'') AS [firstSearchField]
, ISNULL(TT.[fld_thirdSearch],'') AS thirdSearch
, ISNULL(TT.[fld_fourthSearch],'')AS fourthSearch
, ISNULL(TT.[fld_fifthSearch],'')AS fifthSearch
, ISNULL(FRT.[fld_sixthSearch],'') As [sixthSearch]
, ISNULL(FRT.[fld_seventhSearch],'') AS [seventhSearch]
, ISNULL(FRT.[fld_eightSearch],'')AS [eightSearch]
, ISNULL(FIT.[fld_nineSearch],'') AS [nineSearch]
, ISNULL(SIT.[fld_tenthSearch],'')AS [tenthSearch]
, ISNULL(SET.[fld_eleventhSearch],'') AS [eleventhSearch]
, ISNULL(ET.[twelthSearch],'')AS [twelthSearch]
, ISNULL(NT.[thirteenthSearch],'')AS [thirteenthSearch]
, ISNULL(NT.[fourteenSearch],'') AS [fourteenSearch]
, ISNULL(NT.[fifteenSearch],'') AS [fifteenSearch]
, ISNULL(NT.[sxteenSearch],'') AS [sxteenSearch]
, ISNULL(NT.[seventeenSearch],'') AS [seventeenSearch]
, ISNULL(NT.[eighteenSearch],'')AS [eighteenSearch]
, ISNULL(TT.[ninteenSearch],'') AS [ninteenSearch]
, ISNULL(ELT.[twentySearch],'') AS [twentySearch]
, ISNULL(ELT.[twentyOneSearch],'') AS [twentyOneSearch]
, ISNULL(TWT.[twentyTwoSearch],'') AS [twentyTwoSearch]
, ISNULL(THT.twentyThree,'') AS [twentyThree]
, ISNULL(THT.twentyFour,'') AS [twentyFour]
, ISNULL(THT.twentyFive,'') AS [twentyFive]
, ISNULL(THT.twentySix,'') AS [twentySix]
tblFirstTable AS FT
LEFT JOIN [tblSecondTable] AS ST
ON ST.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblThirdTable] AS TT
ON TT.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblFourthTable] AS FRT
ON FRT.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblFifthTable] AS FIT
ON FIT.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblSixthTable] AS SIT
ON SIT.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblSeventhTable] AS SET
ON SET.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblEighthTable] AS ET
ON ET.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblNinthTable] AS NT
ON NT.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblELTnthTable] AS TT
ON TT.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblEleventhTable] AS ELT
ON ELT.[fld_primary] = FT.[fld_primary]
LEFT JOIN [tblTwelthTable] AS TWT
ON TWT.[fld_id] = ELT.[fld_id]
LEFT JOIN [tblThirteenthTable] AS THT
ON THT.[firstField]= FT.[firstField]
WHERE fld_Status ..