due to some problems I came to check the state of my current database in production and I found that some tables are "duplicated". By duplicated I mean that there appear to be some clones of the actual table, with the same name and a suffix. An example:
Running the following command once connected to my database:
SELECT relname, reltuples, relpages * 8 / 1024 AS "MB" FROM pg_class ORDER BY relpages DESC;
Returns this:
relname | reltuples | MB
... | |
reversion_revision | 806547 | 58
... | |
app_session | 96803 | 40
... | |
reversion_revision_pkey | 806547 | 17
reversion_revision_manager_slug_7521cb9583783434_like | 806547 | 17
reversion_revision_c69e55a4 | 806547 | 17
reversion_revision_e8701ad4 | 806547 | 17
reversion_revision_b16b0f06 | 806547 | 17
... | |
app_session_dadd2494 | 96803 | 2
app_session_f8a3193a | 96803 | 2
app_session_3ed54a03 | 96803 | 2
app_session_4437cfac | 96803 | 2
app_session_pkey | 96803 | 2
app_session_e160a0b9 | 96803 | 2
app_session_975a0aa5 | 96803 | 2
app_session_b5ac7ae1 | 96803 | 2
app_session_c585221c | 96803 | 2
... | |
I think they are duplicated since the number of reltuples
is the exact same and the names share the original name (plus the weird suffix)
I am not a DB expert, but this seems wrong to me. Is there a problem with this? The only one I see (since everything works fine) is the space increase. Is there a clear solution? Did I perform something wrong? Is it dangerous?
I imagine it should be enough with deleting this "duplicated" tables. Would there be a programmatic way of doing this? Any hints? I am completely lost.
I am running psql (PostgreSQL) 9.3.13
under Ubuntu 14.04