You can do this for all databases (even MySQL - which doesn't
have Window functions or CTEs - i.e. WITH clauses).
To solve this, I did the following:
Created a table
CREATE TABLE table1 (Investor_ID int, my_date DATE, type VARCHAR(20), amount int);
Note, never have a column named "date" (or any other SQL keyword).
Populated the table:
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1, '2015-03-31', 'CONTRIBUTION' , 3);
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1, '2015-06-30', 'Balance Update' , 20);
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1, '2015-09-30', 'CONTRIBUTION' , 5);
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (1, '2015-12-31', 'Balance Update' , 10);
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (2, '2015-03-31', 'CONTRIBUTION' , 8);
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (2, '2015-06-30', 'Balance Update' , 38);
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (2, '2015-09-30', 'CONTRIBUTION' , 1);
INSERT INTO table1 VALUES (2, '2015-12-31', 'Balance Update' , 50);
And then ran the following query:
SELECT t1.my_date, t1.Investor_ID, t1.type, t1.amount
FROM table1 t1
WHERE my_date = (SELECT MAX(my_date) FROM table1 t2 WHERE t1.Investor_ID = t2.Investor_ID)
And the result was as desired:
my_date |investor_id| type|amount
2015-12-31|1 |Balance Update |10
2015-12-31|2 |Balance Update |50
If you want to use Window functions, use this query:
SELECT Investor_Id
,Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY Investor_ID ORDER BY my_date DESC) AS RowNum
FROM table1
) main
WHERE main.type = 'Balance Update'
AND rownum = 1;