The table I need to search contains an array of numrange values illustrated by:

CREATE TABLE data ( sensor varchar(25), ranges numrange[] );
, ('sensor1','{"[872929250.000000,872985609.000000]"}'::numrange[]);

Searching for rows with elements in ranges that overlap a specified range is easy with ANY:

SELECT * FROM data WHERE '[873021700,873021800]'::numrange && ANY (ranges)

I would like a SELECT statement that returns fields from the table along with only elements from the array that overlap a specified range, aka:

SELECT sensor,[array of overlapping numranges] FROM data WHERE '[873021700,873021800]'::numrange && ANY (ranges)

resulting in:

sensor      ranges
sensor0     {"[873021600.0,873035999.0]"}

Is this possible without unnest()ing the array in a subselect? If not, what would be an efficient way to unnest() when the arrays are potentially very large?

  • So you want the intersection of your range with each range in the table? Returning one row for each intersection value?
    – JoshRagem
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 9:52
  • @JoshRagem, not a row for each intersection or overlap, which, in my real use case, would result in a huge number of duplicated fields also being extracted. To reduce the duplication I'd like the matching ranges to be returned as an array.
    – terse
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 20:21

1 Answer 1


This works as desired:

SELECT d.sensor, r.overlapping_ranges
FROM   data d
   SELECT array_agg(range) AS overlapping_ranges
   FROM   unnest(d.ranges) range
   WHERE  range && '[873021700,873021800]'::numrange 
   ) r ON overlapping_ranges IS NOT NULL;


For big tables, it would be much more efficient to normalize your design with a separate ranges table (one range per row) instead of the ranges array. You can use a GiST index for that:

Solution for huge table

For a huge table like you mention in the comments (1 billion rows) I would consider a separate ranges table, optimized for size and a BRIN index to go along with it.


  • Read only (or mostly) data.
  • A maximum of 6 fractional digits (scale) and a maximum of 18 digits total (precision). Scaled by 1000000, this fits into a bigint without loss, which is considerably cheaper to store. See below.
  • Postgres 9.5 or later.

The operator class for range types shipped with Postgres 9.5 is range_inclusion_ops, which supports the overlaps operator &&.

To optimize disk space some more I would just save two bigint numbers (your numeric values multiplied by 1000000) and make it a functional BRIN index. Basically like this:

CREATE TABLE sensors (
  sensor_id serial PRIMARY KEY
, sensor text NOT NULL);

  sensor_id int NOT NULL REFERENCES sensors
, range_low bigint NOT NULL
, range_hi  bigint NOT NULL

INSERT INTO sensors (sensor) VALUES ('sensor1');

INSERT INTO ranges (sensor_id, range_low, range_hi) VALUES
   (1, 872985609.0 * 1000000, 873017999.0 * 1000000)  -- scaled
 , (1, 872929250.000000 * 1000000, 872985609.000000 * 1000000);

CREATE INDEX ranges_brin_idx ON ranges USING BRIN (int8range(range_low, range_hi, '[]'));

Query to get the same result as before:

SELECT s.sensor, r.ranges
   SELECT sensor_id
        , array_agg(numrange(range_low * .000001, range_hi * .000001, '[]')) AS ranges
   FROM   ranges
   WHERE  int8range(range_low, range_hi, '[]')
       && '[873021700000000,873021800000000]'::int8range  -- scaled as well
   GROUP  BY sensor_id
   ) r
JOIN   sensors s  USING (sensor_id);

Storage size of bigint vs. numrange

A numrange with numbers of 15 precision occupies 32 bytes on disk, resulting in 64 bytes per row (plus int column, tuple header and item identifier).

While the same with two bigint columns (2 x 8 bytes) results in 52 bytes total. Makes the table around 12 GB smaller. Index size is the same.

See for yourself:

SELECT pg_column_size((1::bigint, '[873021700.123456,873021800.123456]'::numrange))
     , pg_column_size((1::bigint, 873021700123456::bigint, 873021700123456::bigint));

Detailed explanation for row size:

  • Thanks! This works and I learned about LATERAL. A redesign might be possible in the future. The Tip in the array docs stating: "Arrays are not sets; searching for specific array elements can be a sign of database misdesign. ..." is right inline with what you write. Thanks for the doc pointers.
    – terse
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 20:33
  • In my real case other fields in the table are used to pare down the rows that the LATERAL operates on. The total number of ranges is just over 1 billion, spread among 10s of thousands of rows. So while the unnest() is definitely the slowest part of this query, creating a separate ranges table with a billion rows will be a challenge too.
    – terse
    Commented Aug 18, 2016 at 22:14
  • @terse: My first idea for such a huge table is a BRIN index. I added a prototype solution above. Commented Aug 19, 2016 at 0:14
  • thanks for the thoughts on a big table design, much appreciated.
    – terse
    Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 16:36

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