I'm using Postgres 9.5 on Amazon RDS (2vCPU, 8 GB RAM).
I use pganalyze to monitor my performance.
I have around 200K records in the database.
In my Dashboard I see the following queries are taking 28 and 11 seconds in average to execute:
UPDATE calls SET ... WHERE calls.uuid = ? telephonist 28035.41 0.01 100% 0.03%
UPDATE calls SET sip_error = ? WHERE calls.uuid = ? telephonist 11629.89 0.44 100% 0.69%
I already tried VACUUM
, found and clean 7,670 dead rows.
Any ideas how to improve UPDATE
performance? This is the query:
UPDATE calls SET X=Y WHERE calls.uuid = 'Z'
How can I improve the query above? Can I add another field? Example:
UPDATE calls SET X=Y WHERE calls.uuid = 'Z' AND calls.campaign = 'W'
The column uuid
is not indexed.
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/postgresql/postgresql_indexes.htm suggests that indexes are not recommended for UPDATE
CREATE TABLE public.calls (
id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('calls_id_seq'::regclass),
callsid varchar(128),
call_start timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
call_end timestamp(6) NULL,
result int4 DEFAULT 0,
destination varchar(256),
campaign varchar(128),
request_data varchar(4096),
uuid varchar(128) NOT NULL,
status varchar(64),
duration int4,
recording_file varchar(256),
recording_url varchar(256),
recording_duration int4,
recording_text varchar(4096),
recording_download bool DEFAULT false,
description varchar(4096),
analysis varchar(4096),
is_fax bool DEFAULT false,
is_test bool,
hangup_cause varchar(128),
media_detected bool DEFAULT false,
sip_callid varchar(256),
hangup_cause_override varchar(256),
is_blacklisted bool DEFAULT false,
sip_error varchar(256),
hangup_cause_report varchar(128),
summary varchar(1024)
WHERE calls.uuid='e2ce9eb4-v1lp-p14u-7kkk-lruy-e2ceaae46d';
Seq Scan on calls (cost=0.00..16716.25 rows=1 width=3301) (actual time=81.637..81.637 rows=0 loops=1) Filter: ((uuid)::text = 'e2ce9eb4-v1lp-p14u-7kkk-lruy-e2ceaae46d'::text) Rows Removed by Filter: 99970 Planning time: 0.482 ms Execution time: 81.683 ms
explain analyze
that it's using an index for the lookup?