My objective is to check users quotas on tablespace:

Unfortunately the table dba_ts_quotas gives the details of already used space on tablespaces.

I want to see all users who have quotas on tbs even they don't use any space on the tablespace.

is there solution to check if a user has quota on a tbs?


1 Answer 1


DBA_TS_QUOTAS also contains information on the assigned quota, even if the user did not create any tables.

From the manual

MAX_BYTES - User's quota in bytes, or -1 if no limit


SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Oct 18 10:35:29 2016

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SQL> select tablespace_name, username, bytes, max_bytes
  2  from dba_ts_quotas
  3  where tablespace_name = 'USERS'
  4    and username = 'FOOBAR';

no rows selected

SQL> create user foobar
  2    identified by welcome
  3    default tablespace users
  4    quota 10M on users;

User created.

SQL> select tablespace_name, username, bytes, max_bytes
  2  from dba_ts_quotas
  3  where tablespace_name = 'USERS'
  4    and username = 'FOOBAR';

----- ------ ---------- ----------
USERS FOOBAR          0   10485760

1 row selected.


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