I am importing a Oracle dump fill created on a AIX Oracle 9.2 installation with a Full Export option to a Windows Oracle on Windows 2008 R2 x64.
I want to import the file to a clean database. However if I don't create a database first, there's nothing to create. If I create the database, it throws a lot of errors complaining of missing users and tablespaces, even with FULL=Y.
How can I import this dump into a clean Oracle Install?
The export ran under system and the import also. The index file does not contain the statements to import the users and tablespaces, however when I run the full import on the original file, IMP tries to create the TABLESPACES
(which have incorrect paths, which I have to change, and i know that) but it does not try to create the users, only complaining they don't exist.
The actual export command user is:
exp <a_User>/<a_Password> FULL=Y FILE=/PATHHERE/oradata/Export/expdat.dmp log=exp`date + %d%m%y.%H%M%S`.log consistent=y