I have a table "measurements" which looks like this (with empty cells in the last col)
ser_nr | meas_ser | meas_value | last_meas
A1 | 1 | 12 | (False)
A1 | 2 | 5.5 | (False)
A1 | 3 | 5.12 | (False)
A1 | 4 | 5.01 | (True)
B1 | 1 | 2 | (False)
B1 | 2 | 2.03 | (True)
http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/bcd6b (Link for create table etc.)
I need this to query "select ... where last_meas=True"
I wrote a trigger for "after insert" and this works for the newly inserted rows. But what can I do to update the whole table?
For example: I want to delete the A1 row with meas_value "5.01". There has to be a function which executes for the whole remaining table and updates the last_meas column (in this example the third row should be True now). I can trigger a function using "after delete for each row" but using this method i can only access all deleted rows.
I found a workaround by generating a view using
SELECT * FROM measurements AS m LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT m.ser_nr,
max(m.meas_ser) AS meas_ser, TRUE AS last_meas FROM measurements AS
m GROUP BY m.ser_nr ) AS last_ms USING (ser_nr, meas_ser);
but this only generates "True" and not "False".
Is there a more easy way doing this?
as a column in the table? And not find the last row, each time you need it?select t.ser_nr, t.meas_ser, t.meas_value from (select ser_nr, meas_ser,meas_value,rank() OVER (PARTITION BY ser_nr ORDER BY meas_ser DESC) FROM measurements) as t where t.rank=1;