When I run the command
mysql EvePlanataryExpenses --xml -uuser -p -e "SELECT sTransactionDateTime, SUM(sQuantity * sPrice) as 'profit' FROM sell GROUP BY sMonth;" |sed '/^\s*$/d'
I get the following output
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<resultset statement="SELECT sTransactionDateTime, SUM(sQuantity * sPrice) as 'profit' FROM sell GROUP BY sMonth" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<field name="sTransactionDateTime">2016-10-13</field>
<field name="profit">1177089967.25</field>
Is it possible to remove the statement="text"
from the root element, and set the field name to something else than <field name=""></field>
from the SQL query itself?
I saw something here that I thought I could use, but can't make it work.
Or would I need to run the output through a parser (Java, PHP, something else) and get that to remove the statement from the root element and rename the field elements?