We have the following Dim and Facts:
Customer Dim: SCD Type 2, Info about the customer ie first purchase date, name, address, etc Product Dim: SCD Type 2, about our products
Customer Snapshot Fact: Monthly Fin facts about the Customer Product Sales Fact: Sales by Customer
and will have many more facts that involve the customer Dimension.
We have a legacy DB that was collecting 100's of data fields about a customer and have been asked to DW this data. There are 100 plus fields related to a customer and may of them are flags that indicate if the customer qualifies for something or not. The majority of the queries the users will want against any of our fact table may include the filtering and or grouping of these indicators.
The question is should we add 100 plus indicators to our Customer Dim and if not how should the data be structured so this information can be joined with all of our other facts.
Thanks for your help.