when I run the following query
if you run the query below on bocss it says it is not healthy
select * from
it tells me my alwayson is not healthy.
speaking with another DBAs in my team I came to know that this is so because we have removed the alwayson AG but we left it so we can add it back easily
So right clicking on it, I get to the errors\warnings shown on the pictures below:
I check with the scripts below:
-- Always On Status Report
-- This script will show the status of the Alway On replication status
primary_replica as 'Primary Server',
[endpoint_url] as 'End Point URL',
primary_recovery_health_desc as 'Primary Server Health Status',
secondary_recovery_health_desc as 'Secondary Server Health Status',
operational_state_desc as 'Operational State',
connected_state_desc as 'Connection State',
recovery_health_desc as 'Recovery Health',
synchronization_state_desc as 'Synchronization State',
database_state_desc as 'Database State',
JOIN_state_desc as 'Join State',
suspend_reason_desc as 'Suspended Reason',
availability_mode_desc as 'Availability Mode',
failover_mode_desc as 'Failover Mode',
primary_role_allow_connections_desc as 'Primary Connections Allowed',
secondary_role_allow_connections_desc as 'Secondary Connections Allowed',
create_date as 'Date Created',
modify_date as 'Date Modified',
[backup_priority] as 'Backup Priority',
role_desc as 'Role Type',
last_connect_error_description as 'Last Connection Error',
last_connect_error_timestamp as 'Last Connection Error Time',
last_sent_time as 'Last Data Send Time',
last_received_time as 'Last Data Recieved TIme',
last_hardened_time as 'Last Hardened Time',
last_redone_time as 'Last Redone Time',
log_send_queue_size as 'Log Send Queue Size',
log_send_rate as 'Log Send Rate',
redo_queue_size as 'Redo Queue Size',
redo_rate as 'Rate of Redo',
filestream_send_rate as 'Filestream Send Rate',
last_commit_time as ' Last Commit Time',
low_water_mark_for_ghosts as 'Low Water Mark for Ghosts'
FROM sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.availability_replicas
ON sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states.group_id = sys.availability_replicas.group_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_states
ON sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states.group_id = sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_states.group_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states
ON sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states.group_id = sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states.group_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states
ON sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states.group_id = sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states.group_id
--WHERE operational_state_desc IS NOT NULL
--AND database_state_desc IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY [endpoint_url] DESC
and also this script:
-- alwayson troubleshooting
-- marcelo miorelli
-- 15-feb-2017
select * into #tmpag_availability_groups
from master.sys.availability_groups
select agstates.group_id, agstates.primary_replica into #tmpag_availability_group_states
from master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states as agstates
select group_id, replica_id, replica_metadata_id, replica_server_name,create_date, modify_date, endpoint_url, read_only_routing_url, primary_role_allow_connections, secondary_role_allow_connections, availability_mode,failover_mode, session_timeout, backup_priority, owner_sid
into #tmpag_availability_replicas
from master.sys.availability_replicas
select group_id, replica_id, is_local, role,operational_state,recovery_health,synchronization_health,connected_state, last_connect_error_number,last_connect_error_description, last_connect_error_timestamp
into #tmpar_availability_replica_states
from master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states
select replica_id,join_state
into #tmpar_availability_replica_cluster_states
from master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_states
AS sysname) AS [Server_Name],
AG.name AS [Name],
ISNULL(AG.automated_backup_preference, 4) AS [AutomatedBackupPreference],
ISNULL(AG.failure_condition_level, 6) AS [FailureConditionLevel],
ISNULL(AG.health_check_timeout, -1) AS [HealthCheckTimeout],
AR2.replica_metadata_id AS [ID],
ISNULL(arstates2.role, 3) AS [LocalReplicaRole],
ISNULL(agstates.primary_replica, '') AS [PrimaryReplicaServerName],
AG.group_id AS [UniqueId]
#tmpag_availability_groups AS AG
LEFT OUTER JOIN #tmpag_availability_group_states as agstates ON AG.group_id = agstates.group_id
INNER JOIN #tmpag_availability_replicas AS AR2 ON AG.group_id = AR2.group_id
INNER JOIN #tmpar_availability_replica_states AS arstates2 ON AR2.replica_id = arstates2.replica_id AND arstates2.is_local = 1
[Name] ASC
COUNT(cm.member_name) AS node_count,
SUM(cm.member_state) AS member_state_sum,
SUM(cm.number_of_quorum_votes) AS quorum_vote_sum
INTO #tmpar_availability_replica_cluster_info
(SELECT DISTINCT replica_server_name, node_name FROM master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_nodes) AS arrc
LEFT OUTER JOIN master.sys.dm_hadr_cluster_members AS cm ON UPPER(arrc.node_name) = UPPER(cm.member_name)
GROUP BY arrc.replica_server_name
select * into #tmpar_ags from master.sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states
select ar.group_id, ar.replica_id, ar.replica_server_name, ar.availability_mode,
(case when UPPER(ags.primary_replica) = UPPER(ar.replica_server_name) then 1 else 0 end) as role,
into #tmpar_availabilty_mode
from #tmpag_availability_replicas as ar
left join #tmpar_ags as ags on ags.group_id = ar.group_id
left join #tmpar_availability_replica_states as ars on ar.group_id = ars.group_id and ar.replica_id = ars.replica_id
select am1.replica_id, am1.role, (case when (am1.synchronization_health is null) then 3 else am1.synchronization_health end) as sync_state, (case when (am1.availability_mode is NULL) or (am3.availability_mode is NULL) then null when (am1.role = 1) then 1 when (am1.availability_mode = 0 or am3.availability_mode = 0) then 0 else 1 end) as effective_availability_mode
into #tmpar_replica_rollupstate from #tmpar_availabilty_mode as am1 left join (select group_id, role, availability_mode from #tmpar_availabilty_mode as am2 where am2.role = 1) as am3 on am1.group_id = am3.group_id
AS sysname) AS [Server_Name],
AG.name AS [AvailabilityGroup_Name],
AR.replica_server_name AS [Name],
ISNULL(AR.availability_mode, 2) AS [AvailabilityMode],
ISNULL(AR.backup_priority, -1) AS [BackupPriority],
ISNULL(AR.primary_role_allow_connections, 4) AS [ConnectionModeInPrimaryRole],
ISNULL(AR.secondary_role_allow_connections, 3) AS [ConnectionModeInSecondaryRole],
ISNULL(arstates.connected_state, 2) AS [ConnectionState],
ISNULL(AR.create_date, 0) AS [CreateDate],
ISNULL(AR.modify_date, 0) AS [DateLastModified],
ISNULL(AR.endpoint_url, N'') AS [EndpointUrl],
ISNULL(AR.failover_mode, 2) AS [FailoverMode],
ISNULL(arcs.join_state, 99) AS [JoinState],
ISNULL(arstates.last_connect_error_description, N'') AS [LastConnectErrorDescription],
ISNULL(arstates.last_connect_error_number,-1) AS [LastConnectErrorNumber],
ISNULL(arstates.last_connect_error_timestamp, 0) AS [LastConnectErrorTimestamp],
WHEN arci.member_state_sum IS NULL OR arci.node_count = 0 THEN 3
WHEN arci.member_state_sum = 0 THEN 0
WHEN arci.member_state_sum < arci.node_count THEN 2
WHEN arci.member_state_sum = arci.node_count THEN 1
AS [MemberState],
ISNULL(arstates.operational_state, 6) AS [OperationalState],
suser_sname(AR.owner_sid) AS [Owner],
ISNULL(arci.quorum_vote_sum, -1) AS [QuorumVoteCount],
ISNULL(AR.read_only_routing_url, '') AS [ReadonlyRoutingConnectionUrl],
ISNULL(arstates.role, 3) AS [Role],
ISNULL(arstates.recovery_health, 2) AS [RollupRecoveryState],
(case when arrollupstates.sync_state = 3 then 3 when (arrollupstates.effective_availability_mode = 1 or arrollupstates.role = 1) then arrollupstates.sync_state when arrollupstates.sync_state = 2 then 1 else 0 end) AS [RollupSynchronizationState],
ISNULL(AR.session_timeout, -1) AS [SessionTimeout],
AR.replica_id AS [UniqueId]
#tmpag_availability_groups AS AG
INNER JOIN #tmpag_availability_replicas AS AR ON (AR.replica_server_name IS NOT NULL) AND (AR.group_id=AG.group_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN #tmpar_availability_replica_states AS arstates ON AR.replica_id = arstates.replica_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN #tmpar_availability_replica_cluster_states AS arcs ON AR.replica_id = arcs.replica_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN #tmpar_availability_replica_cluster_info AS arci ON UPPER(AR.replica_server_name) = UPPER(arci.replica_server_name)
LEFT OUTER JOIN #tmpar_replica_rollupstate AS arrollupstates ON AR.replica_id = arrollupstates.replica_id
[AvailabilityGroup_Name] ASC,[Name] ASC
drop table #tmpar_availabilty_mode
drop table #tmpar_ags
drop table #tmpag_availability_groups
drop table #tmpag_availability_group_states
drop table #tmpag_availability_replicas
drop table #tmpar_availability_replica_states
DROP TABLE #tmpar_availability_replica_cluster_states
DROP TABLE #tmpar_availability_replica_cluster_info
DROP TABLE #tmpar_replica_rollupstate
but I cannot get hold of the error messages described on the pictures shown above.
is there a T-SQL way to get to the errors/warnings related to the alwayson so that I can find out what is wrong?