EDIT: Following the Horse's answer/comment, this is my final version of my function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.pointscanner(IN routegeometry text, IN criteria text)
RETURNS TABLE(way geometry, name text, distance double precision, tags hstore, operator text, admin_level text, z_order integer) AS
geomRoute geometry;
routeBB box2d;
sql text;
geomRoute = ST_GeomFromText( $1 ,4326);
routeBB := ST_Extent(geomRoute);
sql := 'SELECT pt.way, pt.name, ST_Distance( $1, ST_Transform(pt.way,4326) ) * 111195 as distance, pt.tags, pt.operator, pt.admin_level, pt.z_order '
|| ' FROM planet_osm_point pt where $2 && ST_Transform(pt.way,4326) and ' || criteria;
Called as: select * from pointscanner(<first_arg>, 'x = 3') where second selection
Performance test: must I put the selecion criteria inside or leave it outside a function?
In this test I create a functio that select some records in a OpenStreetMap table. This is the heart of the function:
Function pointscanner():
RETURN QUERY SELECT pt.way, pt.name, ST_Distance( geomRoute, ST_Transform(pt.way,4326) ) * 111195
as distance, pt.tags, pt.operator, pt.admin_level, pt.z_order
FROM planet_osm_point pt
where routeBB && ST_Transform(pt.way,4326)
The fact is: I must do a second selection (fine tunning) in the function result. Must I do this inside the function and pass the selecion parameters or I can do it outside the function?
Selection exemple: name is not null
Option 1: a where
clause inside the function:
Change function to:
RETURN QUERY SELECT pt.way, pt.name, ST_Distance( geomRoute, ST_Transform(pt.way,4326) ) * 111195
as distance, pt.tags, pt.operator, pt.admin_level, pt.z_order
FROM planet_osm_point pt
where routeBB && ST_Transform(pt.way,4326) and pt.name is not null;
Call it as: select * from pointscanner() where round(distance::numeric, 5) < 500
"Function Scan on pointscanner (cost=0.25..17.75 rows=333 width=172)
(actual time=1251.040..1251.792 rows=358 loops=1)"
" Filter: (round((distance)::numeric, 5) < '500'::numeric)"
"Planning time: 0.074 ms"
"Execution time: 1251.867 ms"
Option 1: a where
clause outside the function:
Leave the function untouched.
Call it as: select * from pointscanner() where round(distance::numeric, 5) < 500 and name is not null
"Function Scan on pointscanner (cost=0.25..17.75 rows=332 width=172)
(actual time=4654.345..4655.075 rows=358 loops=1)"
" Filter: ((name IS NOT NULL) AND (round((distance)::numeric, 5) < '500'::numeric))"
" Rows Removed by Filter: 238"
"Planning time: 0.114 ms"
"Execution time: 4655.161 ms"
So I conclude I MUST do the second selection criteria INSIDE the function.
select * from getFooData() where x = 3
orgetFooData( 'x=3' )
and leave thewhere
to the function?x
selection I'll need to externalyze allfoo
fields. I' ve done a small performance test and will post here as answer. No named horse I'll give it a try....If multiple rows are returned, only the first will be assigned to the INTO variable...
I need to return a table. My function return isRETURN QUERY SELECT * from foo where bar = snafu
. Any sugestion?