to have the following setup on a Linux box:

  • SQLPlus
  • client library (oci.dll)!!!!
  • ORACLE_HOME is set for users

is Oracle Instant Client enough or I need to have the Oracle Client installed on the box.

1 Answer 1


If you only need to run SQLPlus, grab "Instant Client Package - Basic" and "Instant Client Package - SQL Plus: Additional libraries and executable for running SQL Plus with Instant Client" from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/linuxsoft-082809.html & install them.

oci.dll is a windows file, so I have no idea what could be achieved by installing that on Linux.

unzip the files into a location of your choice & set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH to point to that directory. If you need any further help after that, edit your question.

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