Let's Say i have two Tables, let's call them
| ID | Hostname | Location |
| 1 | Hostname1 | This Room |
| 2 | Hostname2 | That Room |
| 3 | Hostname3 | The other Room |
| 4 | Hostname4 | Somewhere Offsite |
| Timestamp | Hostname1 | Hostname2 |
| 19.02.2017 | up | down |
| 20.02.2017 | down | down |
| 21.02.2017 | down | up |
| 22.02.2017 | up | down |
What would a query in Access look like to get the last time the host was "up", bundeled with the other Info? Or is this database flawed from the ground up?
Since the amount of hosts ist fixed and the timestamps will increase over time, I thought it was the better idea to have fixed columns and add rows per timestamp.