I have just stumbled over a weird behaviour in postgres ts_headline function (used for highlighting fulltext search results). First I thought the simple dictionary does not play with highlighting as the below example shows (there should be <b> tags):

# SELECT ts_headline('simple', 'This is artificial text', to_tsquery('artificial'));
 This is artificial text
(1 row)

But a different word works fine...

# SELECT ts_headline('simple', 'some Word in', to_tsquery('Word'));
 some <b>Word</b> in
(1 row)

Does anybody have an explanation for this behaviour?

1 Answer 1


I noticed my mistake. The to_tsquery function inside also needs to know which dictionary to use (aka use the simple one). By default it uses english stemming which produces this result:

SELECT to_tsquery('artificial');

which of course can not be found in the text converted by simple dictionary. So the correct query would have been:

# SELECT ts_headline('simple', 'This is artificial text', to_tsquery('simple', 'artificial'));
 This is <b>artificial</b> text
(1 row)
  • 1
    Good catch. Always set the regconfig. Most tutorials neglect this sadly Commented Jun 12, 2017 at 23:32
  • 1
    I just stumbled across this, but in reverse: the to_tsquery calls were set to a custom dictionary but the ts_headline call didn't set the same and I didn't realize it wouldn't inherit that value. Make sure to provide a consistent dictionary definition on each call.
    – bsplosion
    Commented Feb 17, 2023 at 16:13

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