Things go inside other things. More than one can go inside and each one can be inside many different containers. This is for a on-line shopping site where assorted things that we get from our suppliers are bundled together, given a web-page and then sold as that collective. It all used to be tracked with a bunch of horrible CSV files but I'm setting up a proper database now.
create table collections(
sku character varying(50),
components text[]);
create table products(
ordering_id character varying(50),
inside text[] );
inside's elements are skus from collections and components elements are ordering_ids from products.
The contents of these easily fill in both columns in the products table and sku in collections. Now I want to fill in components: preferably with some tricky SQL statement. The best I could come up with is:
with new_values as ( select ordering_id, inside from products )
update collections set components = components ||
nv.ordering_id::text from new_values nv
where collections.sku::text = any( nv.inside );
but that only fills in the first product that's found inside each collections. Why is that? Do I need to do some sort of JOIN to get this to work?
Sample data:
sku components
10A {}
20A {}
ordering_id inside
1234 {10A}
5678 {10A, 20A}
should leave products unchanged but collections should now be
sku components
10A {1234,5678}
20A {5678}
Unfortunately what I get from the SQL that I came up with above is
sku components
10A {1234}
20A {5678}