
I can't find a solution to the following problem. Assuming I have 2 tables:

Table 1:

Name        | Age      
Nick        | 52      
Adam        | 52      
Monica      | 40

Table 2:

Name        | Task       | Value  | Done
Nick        | Clean      | 010000 | Y
Nick        |            | 011000 |
Nick        |            | 020000 | 
Nick        | Vacuum     | 025000 | 
Nick        | Do Dishes  | 030000 | 
Adam        |            | 010000 |
Adam        | Clean      | 015000 | Y
Adam        | Dust       | 030000 | Y
Adam        | Cook       | 035000 | 
Monica      | PaintHouse | 010000 |
Monica      | Garbage    | 020000 |

What I'm looking for is this:

How can I write an SQL that gives me the result of all everyone that is 52 and shows the next task he/she has to do, skipping all the empty entries in "task" Output should look something like:

Name        | Age     | Task 
Nick        | 52      | Vacuum
Adam        | 52      | Cook

Database is 2000 version of MS SQL Server. Also, I don't have any write access, only read access.

UPDATE: In the original post, I posted:

Adam        | Cook       | 030000

This was not correct It should have been:

Adam        | Cook       | 035000

I have corrected this error.

  • How do you determine the 'next' task? It 'looks' like you're using 'Value' to determine some sort of ordering. However, if Adam had not already done 'Dust', how would you know whether the next task was Dust or Cook since they both have the same 'Value'? Also, I've never heard of Sql Server 2002. Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 11:12
  • The way you present this data makes it impossible to come up to that resultset. Look select * from #Tasks inner join #Names on #Tasks.name = #Names.name where #Names.age = 52 and #Tasks.task != '' thats as close as you'll get but then because you lack an autoinc key or DateAdded sort of timestamp its just not possible to accurately determine what was the last Task performed.
    – Nelson
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 11:19
  • 2002? Did you mean 2000? Or 2012? I don't think there's a 2002 version. Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 11:35
  • I mean version 2000
    – Stefan
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 12:11

3 Answers 3


This answer returns your desired result and it should run on SQL-Server 2000, but it is not valid until you are not able to set a Task order.

SELECT t1.Name, t1.Age,
       (SELECT TOP 1 t2.Task
        FROM   t2
        WHERE  t2.Name = t1.Name 
        AND    t2.Task IS NOT NULL
        AND    (t2.Done IS NULL OR t2.Done <> 'Y')) Task
FROM   t1
WHERE  t1.Age = 52
Name | Age | Task  
:--- | --: | :-----
Nick |  52 | Vacuum
Adam |  52 | Cook  

dbfiddle here


According to the dbfiddle supplied by the OP:

       ISNULL((SELECT   TOP 1 t2.Task
               FROM     t2
               WHERE    t2.P_No = t1.P_No 
               AND      t2.Task <> ''
               AND      t2.No <> '0'
               ORDER BY t2.P_No, t2.Value), '') AS Task
FROM   t1
WHERE  t1.Status <> 3
P_No | Task     
:--- | :--------
P1   |          
P2   | Do Dishes
P4   |          
P6   |          
P8   |          
P10  | Do Dishes

dbfiddle here

  • I tried you sollution, but when executing this in my own Databasebrowser, I get the error message "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WITH'"
    – Stefan
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 13:00
  • I'll modify it later, SQL2000 doesn't allow this solution.
    – McNets
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 13:03
  • I see, thank you. Can this solution be "modified" to work with version 2000? Because I dried your solution and dbfiddle and it works perfectly (in the new version)
    – Stefan
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 13:26
  • 2000 doesn't allow neither CTE functions nor row_number functions
    – McNets
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 13:43
  • I'm really feeling like a noob (which I am in respect to SQL :)), but I can't figure out why this doesn't work. I created a dbfiddle myself (dbfiddle is great, didn't know it existed!!) dbfiddle.uk/… I extended a bit on your proposed solution with more kind of real life data. Result isn't what I expected. Should be: P1 --> Clean (Since all No's are 0) P2 --> Clean (Since this is the next process, following ('P2','Cook','4500000','11')
    – Stefan
    Commented Jun 21, 2017 at 9:27

The solution is to use outer apply which will cross reference the table Table02 with Name and order by Value ASC showing top (1) rows.

drop table if exists dbo.Table01;
drop table if exists dbo.Table02;

create table dbo.Table01 (
    Name varchar(100)
    , age int

create table dbo.Table02 (
    Name varchar(100)
    , Task varchar(100)
    , Value varchar(100)
    , Done char(1)

insert into dbo.Table01 (Name, Age)
values ('Nick', 52), ('Adam', 52), ('Monica', 40);

insert into dbo.Table02 (Name, Task, Value, Done)
values ('Nick', 'clean', '010000', 'Y')
    , ('Nick', '', '011000', '')
    , ('Nick', '', '020000', '')
    , ('Nick', 'Vacuum', '025000', '')
    , ('Nick', 'Do Dishes', '030000', '')
    , ('Adam', '', '010000', '')
    , ('Adam', 'Clean', '015000', 'Y')
    , ('Adam', 'Dust', '030000', 'Y')
    , ('Adam', 'Cook', '030000', '')
    , ('Monica', 'PaintHouse', '010000', '')
    , ('Monica', 'Garbage', '020000', '');

from dbo.Table01 t01
    outer apply (
                top (1)
            from dbo.Table02 t02
            where t01.Name = t02.Name
                and isnull(t02.Done, '') <> 'Y'
                and isnull(t02.Task, '') <> ''
            order by t02.Value asc
    ) tn
where t01.age = 52
  • Hi Dean, When trying your sollution, I get the error message "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'outer' "
    – Stefan
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 13:07
  • @Stefan What version of SQL Server are you using? Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 14:22

This should work in 2000, too:

   (select top 1 Task 
    from Table02 as t2
    where t1.name = t2.name -- correlate both tables
      and t2.Task <> ''
      and Done <> 'Y'  -- ?? seems to be what you want
    order by Task      -- ?? whatever you need to determine the "next" task (maybe no order at all)
from Table01 as t1
where age = 52

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