I have the following index I'm trying to modify by declaring the poLineNumberInteger
key as numeric/integer instead of text. This is valid syntax:
CREATE INDEX ubdrecord_jsonb_extract_path_text_idx
ON public.ubdrecord
USING btree
(jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['lineInfo'::text, 'poLineNumberInteger'::text]));
However, if I try to modify the "text" to "numeric" in the above statement, I get this error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "poLineNumberInteger"
LINE 4: ...h_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['lineInfo'::text, 'poLineNum...
********** Error **********
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "poLineNumberInteger"
SQL state: 22P02
Character: 158
The question is, how to modify this create statement to declare the key as numeric without having to cast? Also, we have to use the jsonb_extract_path_text wrapper. Even without it, not sure how to appropriately modify the syntax.
Table Structure:
CREATE TABLE ubdrecord
id uuid NOT NULL,
senderduns character varying(256),
sendername character varying(256),
receiverduns character varying(256),
receivername character varying(256),
messagetype character varying(100),
metadata jsonb,
sourceid uuid NOT NULL,
sourcetype character varying(10),
originaltime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
createdtime timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
processingmode integer,
ubdversion character varying(20),
unitofmeasure character varying(256),
quantity numeric,
active boolean,
documentid character varying(256),
CONSTRAINT pk_ubdrecord1 PRIMARY KEY (id)
* Query *
select "receivername", "unitofmeasure", "ubdversion", "processingmode", "metadata", "senderduns", "active", "createdtime", "sourcetype",
"documentid", "id", "sendername", "messagetype", "quantity", "sourceid", "originaltime", "receiverduns"
from "ubdrecord"
(jsonb_extract_path_text("metadata",'lineInfo','poLineNumberInteger') = '11123')
order by "createdtime"
desc limit 1
* Query Explain Plan Results *
'Limit (cost=0.43..311.36 rows=1 width=4046) (actual time=206530.018..206530.018 rows=0 loops=1)'
' -> Index Scan Backward using createdtimeindex on ubdrecord (cost=0.43..5593950.48 rows=17991 width=4046) (actual time=206530.015..206530.015 rows=0 loops=1)'
' Filter: (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC '{lineInfo,poLineNumberInteger}'::text[]) = '11123'::text)'
' Rows Removed by Filter: 3598344'
'Planning time: 22.892 ms'
'Execution time: 206530.082 ms'
* Created Time Index *
CREATE INDEX createdtimeindex
ON public.ubdrecord
USING btree
The explain plan looks like maybe the issue in with the sort column. However, the sort comes back fast (~100-200 ms) for querying on other jsonb values within that metadata block.
* \d ubdrecord *
Time: 0.113s
summarist> \d ub
Did not find any relation named ub.
Time: 0.145s
summarist> \d ubdrecord
| Column | Type | Modifiers |
| id | uuid | not null |
| senderduns | character varying(256) | |
| sendername | character varying(256) | |
| receiverduns | character varying(256) | |
| receivername | character varying(256) | |
| messagetype | character varying(100) | |
| metadata | jsonb | |
| sourceid | uuid | not null |
| sourcetype | character varying(50) | |
| originaltime | timestamp without time zone | not null |
| createdtime | timestamp without time zone | not null |
| processingmode | integer | |
| ubdversion | character varying(20) | |
| unitofmeasure | character varying(256) | |
| quantity | numeric | |
| active | boolean | |
| documentid | character varying(256) | |
"pk_ubdrecord" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"createdtimeindex" btree (createdtime)
"deliverynotelinenumberintegerindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['deliveryNoteInfo'::text, 'deliveryNoteLineNumberInteger'::text]))
"deliverynotenumberindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['deliveryNoteInfo'::text, 'deliveryNoteNumber'::text]))
"documentidindex" btree (documentid)
"invoicenumberindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['invoiceInfo'::text, 'invoiceNumber'::text]))
"messagetypeindex" btree (messagetype)
"polinenumberindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['lineInfo'::text, 'poLineNumber'::text]))
"polinenumberintegerindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['lineInfo'::text, 'poLineNumberInteger'::text]))
"ponumberindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['lineInfo'::text, 'poNumber'::text]))
"processingmodeindex" btree (processingmode)
"receiverindex" btree (receiverduns)
"salesorderlinenumberindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['salesOrderInfo'::text, 'salesOrderLineNumber'::text]))
"salesorderlinenumberintegerindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['salesOrderInfo'::text, 'salesOrderLineNumberInteger'::text]))
"salesordernumberindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['salesOrderInfo'::text, 'salesOrderNumber'::text]))
"senderindex" btree (senderduns)
"shipmentnumberindex" btree (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC ARRAY['shipmentInfo'::text, 'shipmentNumber'::text]))
* Similar query *
select "receivername", "unitofmeasure", "ubdversion", "processingmode", "metadata", "senderduns", "active", "createdtime", "sourcetype",
"documentid", "id", "sendername", "messagetype", "quantity", "sourceid", "originaltime", "receiverduns" from "ubdrecord"
(jsonb_extract_path_text("metadata",'lineInfo','poLineNumber') = '11124124124124')
order by "createdtime" desc limit 1;
* Similar query plan *
'Limit (cost=3776.77..3776.77 rows=1 width=4046) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=0 loops=1)'
' -> Sort (cost=3776.77..3779.20 rows=970 width=4046) (actual time=0.050..0.050 rows=0 loops=1)'
' Sort Key: createdtime DESC'
' Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB'
' -> Bitmap Heap Scan on ubdrecord (cost=19.95..3771.92 rows=970 width=4046) (actual time=0.043..0.043 rows=0 loops=1)'
' Recheck Cond: (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC '{lineInfo,poLineNumber}'::text[]) = '11124124124124'::text)'
' -> Bitmap Index Scan on polinenumberindex (cost=0.00..19.70 rows=970 width=0) (actual time=0.039..0.039 rows=0 loops=1)'
' Index Cond: (jsonb_extract_path_text(metadata, VARIADIC '{lineInfo,poLineNumber}'::text[]) = '11124124124124'::text)'
'Planning time: 0.205 ms'
'Execution time: 0.091 ms'
The real head scratcher for me is why the first query doesn't seem to use the index/sortkey as this other one does. The index for both fields look the same to me.
. We also don't double quote identifiers, ever (it makes them case-sensitive).Index Scan Backward
for the limit. That's horrible. Can you paste the exact result of\d ubdrecord
ANALZYE ubdrecord
after you created the index?