I have a simple one-to-many (1:M) relationship but I need to keep a history for the changes.
For example, a task can have many employees, but each employee can only have one task at a time.
I need to keep a history for the task assignments in order to know the past tasks that were assigned to each employee.
I know that I can convert it to a many-to-many (M:N) relationship and add a “flag” column, but this will not keep the relationship constraint that stipulates that only one task can be assigned.
I'm pretty sure that there is a design pattern or best practice for the case but I can't find it. I'm using Oracle DBMS.
- ID
- Task_ID (FK_Task_ID)
- Employee Name
- Other Employee Data
- ID (PK)
- Task Details
This is a direct (1:M) relation. The required is what if I want to keep log for all the tasks assigned for a certain Employee? The trivial solution would be make a many to many relation and adding intermediate table as follows:
- ID
- Employee_ID (FK_Employee_ID)
- Task_ID (FK_Task_ID)
This will remove the constraint that each employee should have only one assigned task at a time.