I have a table with the below schema
CREATE TABLE `my_field_table` (
`entity_type` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
`bundle` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`deleted` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`entity_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`language` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY (`entity_type`,`entity_id`,`deleted`,`language`),
KEY `entity_type` (`entity_type`),
KEY `bundle` (`bundle`),
KEY `deleted` (`deleted`),
KEY `entity_id` (`entity_id`),
KEY `language` (`language`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Data storage for field 49 (my_field)'
and the following two entries already present in the table.
| entity_type | bundle | deleted | entity_id | language |
| node | article | 0 | 9001 | 5555 |
| node | article | 0 | 9001 | abcc |
When I run the following update query :
UPDATE `my_field_table` SET language='9002' WHERE entity_id = 9001;
I get the error message Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry 'node-9001-0-9002' for key 'PRIMARY'
However I do not see such a combination of the field values already present which confuses me on the duplicate entry error. Usually I have at least one auto-increment key which I have as the primary key but this table does not have one and my lack of experience with DB isn't helping me either.
I tried searching for similar questions but the solutions suggested is to either check for existing entry or to create a new table with same structure and simulate this to check if my table is corrupted. The former does not fetch any results while I am able to reproduce the same error with the latter.
Some insight into the cause of this error would be greatly appreciated.