I have a table with about 10 million rows in it and an index on a date field. When I try and extract the unique values of the indexed field Postgres runs a sequential scan even though the result set has only 26 items. Why is the optimiser picking this plan? And what can I do avoid it?
From other answers I suspect this is as much related to the query as to the index.
explain select "labelDate" from pages group by "labelDate";
HashAggregate (cost=524616.78..524617.04 rows=26 width=4)
Group Key: "labelDate"
-> Seq Scan on pages (cost=0.00..499082.42 rows=10213742 width=4)
(3 rows)
Table structure:
http=# \d pages
Table "public.pages"
Column | Type | Modifiers
pageid | integer | not null default nextval('...
createDate | integer | not null
archive | character varying(16) | not null
label | character varying(32) | not null
wptid | character varying(64) | not null
wptrun | integer | not null
url | text |
urlShort | character varying(255) |
startedDateTime | integer |
renderStart | integer |
onContentLoaded | integer |
onLoad | integer |
PageSpeed | integer |
rank | integer |
reqTotal | integer | not null
reqHTML | integer | not null
reqJS | integer | not null
reqCSS | integer | not null
reqImg | integer | not null
reqFlash | integer | not null
reqJSON | integer | not null
reqOther | integer | not null
bytesTotal | integer | not null
bytesHTML | integer | not null
bytesJS | integer | not null
bytesCSS | integer | not null
bytesHTML | integer | not null
bytesJS | integer | not null
bytesCSS | integer | not null
bytesImg | integer | not null
bytesFlash | integer | not null
bytesJSON | integer | not null
bytesOther | integer | not null
numDomains | integer | not null
labelDate | date |
TTFB | integer |
reqGIF | smallint | not null
reqJPG | smallint | not null
reqPNG | smallint | not null
reqFont | smallint | not null
bytesGIF | integer | not null
bytesJPG | integer | not null
bytesPNG | integer | not null
bytesFont | integer | not null
maxageMore | smallint | not null
maxage365 | smallint | not null
maxage30 | smallint | not null
maxage1 | smallint | not null
maxage0 | smallint | not null
maxageNull | smallint | not null
numDomElements | integer | not null
numCompressed | smallint | not null
numHTTPS | smallint | not null
numGlibs | smallint | not null
numErrors | smallint | not null
numRedirects | smallint | not null
maxDomainReqs | smallint | not null
bytesHTMLDoc | integer | not null
maxage365 | smallint | not null
maxage30 | smallint | not null
maxage1 | smallint | not null
maxage0 | smallint | not null
maxageNull | smallint | not null
numDomElements | integer | not null
numCompressed | smallint | not null
numHTTPS | smallint | not null
numGlibs | smallint | not null
numErrors | smallint | not null
numRedirects | smallint | not null
maxDomainReqs | smallint | not null
bytesHTMLDoc | integer | not null
fullyLoaded | integer |
cdn | character varying(64) |
SpeedIndex | integer |
visualComplete | integer |
gzipTotal | integer | not null
gzipSavings | integer | not null
siteid | numeric |
"pages_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (pageid)
"pages_date_url" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree ("urlShort", "labelDate")
"idx_pages_cdn" btree (cdn)
"idx_pages_labeldate" btree ("labelDate") CLUSTER
"idx_pages_urlshort" btree ("urlShort")
pages_label_date BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON pages