

Windows ODBC Workflow:

Windows > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) > click "System DSN" menu > click "Add" > choose "Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xlsx) >

Data Source Name: "aaaaaaaaa"

Version: Excel 12.0

click "Select Workbook" button > choose xlsx file

Informatica PowerCenter Designer Workflow:

Sources > Import from Database >

ODBC Data Source: "aaaaaaaaa"

click "Connect" button > the button's name changes to "Re-Connect"


.. it doesn't seem to find the data in the worksheet ... I have 3 columns with 10 rows of data

"Nothing has been selected to import" error message

  • Is that really the DSN? The reason I ask is that I wonder if it as simple as one too many a's (though I'm sure you would have already checked that).
    – swasheck
    Commented May 30, 2012 at 18:01
  • Yah, I'm just emulating a database by using Excel, and making it my data source name. I tried reducing it to 1 "a", and same message. I tried both xls format and xlsx (open XML) format. When Informatica PowerCenter Designer connects to the ODBC source (the file), it locks the file. If I try opening it in Windows, it says it's locked for editing. But it can't find the tables and columns in "Sheet1". Seems to be a compatibility issue with Informatica and this ODBC file type. Commented May 30, 2012 at 18:23
  • Try opening the ODBC connection programatically through something else (e.g. Activestate python and the odbc module, or VBA and DAO). Commented May 30, 2012 at 18:48

1 Answer 1


To use an Excel file as a source you need to define a named range containing the cells with data (that's Step 1 of the instruction you referenced in the question).

All the named ranges found in the file will be shown in the Select tables pane. After you select a table (i.e. a range) and click OK, a new source will be created.

You can also consider converting the Excel spreadsheet to the CSV format and using simple flat files as a source. If you're in a Windows environment and have have Excel installed, there's a VBS script that can help you automate this process.

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