I am currently running a MySQL Database for logging and analyzing those logs.
My current table schema looks like this:
CREATE TABLE `mylogs` (
`server_1_ip` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
`server_2_ip` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
`service` ENUM( 'service1', 'service2', 'service3', '...', 'service500' ) NOT NULL ,
`mb_transferred` FLOAT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
I run a service where I deliver a lot of downloads that go over 1 extra hosts between the destination and origin host. They are represented by the integer interpretation of the 32 bit IP address.
My system currently handles about 500 inserts/second during peak hours. I run a master-slave system. The master has an apache webserver with a PHP file that gets called from remote hosts and inserts a line into the log table. Then the changes get replicated to the slaves where queries happen.
My queries are primarily aggregations over the mb_transferred field over a range in the time field filtered by client_id.
SELECT SUM(mb_transferred) FROM mylogs WHERE client_id = 123 AND time > '2012-01-01 00:00:00'
The maser server runs an apache webserver with a simple php file that does the insert and is called by other servers.
My server is now almost at the limit. I already upgraded to big hardware.
I thought about using a GUID as primary key and using master master replication, that will for sure relieve something, but I think its short sighted, because it does not decrease the insert amount per server.
I am expecting higher trough-puts in the future and I am also worried about database size.
Also in future I plan to have a second table which defines "weights" for certain services.
Something like:
CREATE TABLE `mylogs`.`service_weight` (
`service_name` ENUM( 'service_1', 'service_2' ) NOT NULL ,
`weight` FLOAT NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `plan` , `service_name` )
Then I want to run join queries against this table and multiply the mb_transferred field with a weight factor.
I also want to add fields like "transfer_duration" to the logs table to calculate the speed of downloads and run queries to get statistical data how how well/bad the connection between certain networks, or certain servers for certain hosters is.
The point is. The data structure is simple, its just a huge amount of rows.
I have a lot of aggregation functions. This makes a light bulb in the "map reduce" section of my brain flashing.
I thougth about doing vertical shards and use client_id as a breaking point. For example if I have 10 server send every user to its userid mod 10 server. This would be easy and relieve the load. But scaling will probably be awkward.
So i think with the size of the project that I am expecting to reach soon with the current growth I cannot do anything but turn towards a distributed database system.
I already tried to examine cassandra, project voldemort, amazon dynamodb and hbase but no matter how much I read I seem to run against walls.
I think the long years of relational thinking are somehow blockading my mind.
Can someone point me into the right direction on that? What database system would be suited for my use case and why?
- I dont need absolute up to the second data, a replication delay is acceptable.
- I will not have updates, only inserts.
- I would like to have a fault tolerant system
- The data amount is getting huge so a sharded system would be nice
- I have heavy I/O load
WHERE client_id
cause a table scan since it isn't indexed?