I ran this as a part of redefining a table
l_num_ers PLS_INTEGER;
uname => 'myuser',
orig_table => 'mytable',
int_table => 'redef',
copy_indexes => DBMS_REDEFINITION.cons_orig_params,
copy_triggers => TRUE,
copy_constraints => TRUE,
copy_privileges => TRUE,
ignore_errors => FALSE,
num_errors => l_num_ers);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('l_num_ers=' || l_num_ers);
And got the error
ORA-01749: you may not GRANT/REVOKE privileges to/from yourself
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REDEFINITION", line 752
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REDEFINITION", line 1698
So how can I solve this?. The same code worked on another database where the only difference I've found is that the user myuser did not have select right on the table.
I did
Select PRIVILEGE, GRANTEE from dba_tab_privs where owner = 'MYUSER' and TABLE_NAME = 'MYTABLE';
To find the differences.
Is the solution to revoke my own privilege to the table?