I am using Mongo Sharded cluster with two shards.
There was an issue on my one shard and and it was down for around 30 minutes.
It stopped my writes to other shards also.
Logically if one shard is down other shard must be able to take part of writes but allow rites got failed in that duration.
Command failed with error 133: 'could not find host matching read preference { mode: "primary", tags: [ {} ] } for set firstset' on server xxxx . The full response is { "code" : 133, "ok" : 0.0, "errmsg" : "could not find host matching read preference { mode: \"primary\", tags: [ {} ] } for set firstset" }
Could you please help me why this happened.
Mongo version : 3.2.9 Shard Key contentID : alphanumeric value
Virendra Agarwal