I've had a copy of SQL Server 2014 Standard installed on my dev box as the default instance for a few years. I installed standard on my machine because I had a free license that I could use via my MSDN subscription. Now I want to uninstall SQL Server 2014 and make SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition my default instance. I tried to uninstall SQL Server 2014 via the standard Add/Remove Programs workflow but after asking me what features I want to uninstall it prompts me for the directory containing the uninstall media. Unfortunately I didn't save the SQL Server 2014 download package I got from MSDN, and I no longer have access to MSDN. I also checked My Visual Studio but it only goes back to SQL Server 2016. How can I uninstall SQL Server 2014 Standard without the install media?
Further background:
The whole reason I want uninstall SQL Server 2014 is I want to use the STRING_AGG
function which is new to Azure SQL Databases and SQL Server 2017. To make setting up development environments easier we use the dot notation for our local environment development connection strings, for example our connection string is:
Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=<Database Name>;Trusted_Connection=True;Connection Timeout=30;
The dot notation connects to the default database, and to my knowledge I can't make SQL Server 2017 the default database without uninstalling SQL Server 2014 first. If I can use the dot notation connection string to connect up to SQL Server 2017 without uninstalling SQL Server 2014 then I'd be open to that solution as well.