With the introduction of Python feature shipped with SQL Server 2017, I would like to know if anyone has been able to use SSMS v17.x and run a python script that requires a user input. Here is a sample basic script:
execute sp_execute_external_script @language = N'Python',
@script =N' print ("This is a PYTHON test")
userinput = int(input ("Enter LBs to convert to KG"))
converted = userinput * 0.453592
print (converted) '
The script runs endlessly in SSMS while if it was just a print statement; that completes successfully and produces the print result.
I know I can use a Python IDE console like Pycharm but I am wondering if SSMS has such capabilities yet. My research on the internet has not been that fruitful. Most of the use of Python is related to modelling and analysis.