I am having a bit of a hardtime in converting string to date in MS SQL. Hope you can guide me.
Here is my scenario:
I have a column in my table called ExpDt. It is the expiration date of the product. the format is mm/dd.
Now I want to know what products would expire 5 days before. So I am going to do a datediff. But the problem is the ExpDt column is not a valid date. How can I convert it to a valid date?
So the output would be something like: 2018-01-20 which is a valid date. Not a string.
Here's what I have tried.
-- Outputs 2018-01-31
-- select @expDate = cast(datepart(year, getdate()) as nvarchar(5))
-- + '-' + substring(ExpDt, 1, 2)
-- + '-' + substring(ExpDt, 4, 5)
-- from BigEMerchandiser.dbo.tbl_Abis_D
It returns a string but I can't convert it to date using the convert function. I will attach the screenshot of the table so you can see the data of the ExpDt column. Hope I explained myself clearly. Any help would be much appreciated. Thankyou.