I have a table that captures the host platform that a user is running on. The table's definition is straightforward:
IF OBJECT_ID('[Auth].[ActivityPlatform]', 'U') IS NULL
CREATE TABLE [Auth].[ActivityPlatform] (
[ActivityPlatformId] [tinyint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL
,[ActivityPlatformName] [varchar](32) NOT NULL
,CONSTRAINT [PK_ActivityPlatform] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ActivityPlatformId] ASC)
,CONSTRAINT [UQ_ActivityPlatform_ActivityPlatformName] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ([ActivityPlatformName] ASC)
) ON [Auth];
The data it stores is enumerated based on a JavaScript method that uses information from their browser (I don't know much more than that, but could find out if needed):
When I perform a basic SELECT
without an explicit ORDER BY
, however, the Execution Plan shows that it is using the UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED
index in order to sort instead of the CLUSTERED
SELECT * FROM [Auth].[ActivityPlatform]
When explicitly specifying the ORDER BY
, it correctly sorts by ActivityPlatformId
SELECT * FROM [Auth].[ActivityPlatform] ORDER BY [ActivityPlatformId]
shows no table fragmentation.
What am I missing that could cause for this? I thought so long that the table was created on a clustered index, it should automatically sort by it implicitly without need to specify ORDER BY
. What is SQL Server's preference in choosing the UQ? Is there something I need to specify in the table's creation?
in queries as necessary, but when I was toying around with a few things and saw this, it intrigued me. A solution isn't needed, but more-so a deeper understanding on why SQL Server handles it as such. It's a curious topic that I believe knowing more about can assist more broadly in the future.