you can use mysql server without starting WAMP or XAMPP.
you have mysql folder in WAMP right.
so you can use Mysql database server without any issues.
just open command shell. Go to mysql/bin folder. start mysql server and use it
D:\WAMP\mysql\bin> mysqld --console
To take backup of your db open another command shell.
D:\WAMP\mysql\bin> mysqldump -uroot -pxxxxx databasename >D:\mysqldumps\bkpfilename.sql
then your database exported into bkpfilename.sql in D:\mysqldumps
if you want to create database in another mysql server using dump file
Start the server and open mysql client
opening a client
1) mysql\bin> mysql -uroot -pxxxx
2) mysql>create database databasename;
3) mysql>exit;
4) mysql\bin> mysql -uroot -pxxxx databasename
if file name or folder name contains spaces
** mysql\bin> mysql -uroot -pxxxx databasename<"D:\mysqldumps\bkpfilename.sql"**