I use this snippet to detect missing indexes:
relname AS TableName,
to_char(seq_scan, '999,999,999,999') AS TotalSeqScan,
to_char(idx_scan, '999,999,999,999') AS TotalIndexScan,
to_char(n_live_tup, '999,999,999,999') AS TableRows,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(relname :: regclass)) AS TableSize
FROM pg_stat_all_tables
WHERE schemaname = 'public'
AND 50 * seq_scan > idx_scan -- more then 2%
AND n_live_tup > 10000
AND pg_relation_size(relname :: regclass) > 5000000
ORDER BY relname ASC;
tablename | totalseqscan | totalindexscan | tablerows | tablesize
mytable | 112,479 | 2,978,344 | 1,293,536 | 1716 MB
I am curious - I would like to see which SQL statements actually does a seq scan on table mytable
Is there a way to let PostgreSQL emit a warning if it does a sequential scan on this table?