I am relatively new to SQL and have written a bunch of various views. I have been asked to created a report for our monthly payroll using clockings from SQL server.
Currently SQL formats things:
Date | Name | Clock In | Clock Out
01/02/2018 | Name | 2018-02-01 07:55:08.563 | 2018-02-01 10:21:42.183
01/02/2018 | Name | 2018-02-01 10:32:37.153 | 2018-02-01 13:12:33.773
01/02/2018 | Name | 2018-02-01 13:33:10.123 | 2018-02-01 15:04:16.880
However I would like it something like this:
Date | Name | Clock In | Clock Out | Clock In | Clock Out | Clock In | Clock Out
01/02/2018 | Name | 2018-02-01 07:55:08.563 | 2018-02-01 10:21:42.183 | 2018-02-01 10:32:37.153 | 2018-02-01 13:12:33.773 | 2018-02-01 13:33:10.123 | 2018-02-01 15:04:16.880
I have things currently working in excel using the formula:
{=INDEX(Payroll_Clockings[Start Time], SMALL(IF(1 = ((--($A9=Payroll_Clockings[Date Value])) * (--($J$4=Payroll_Clockings[Name]))), ROW(Payroll_Clockings[Start Time]) -1, ""), COLUMN() -1))}
But being an Array formula this can take a long time to refresh when there are 50+ records.
so it would be ideal to reaarange things through SQL.
the SQL view i am using is:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), ShopFloor.EmployeeActivity.StartEvent, 103) AS Date, Admin.Employee.FirstName + ' ' + Admin.Employee.Surname AS Name, ShopFloor.EmployeeActivity.StartEvent AS [Start Time],
ShopFloor.EmployeeActivity.FinishEvent AS [Finish Time], ShopFloor.EmployeeActivity.ClockNumber AS [Clock No.]
FROM ShopFloor.EmployeeActivity LEFT OUTER JOIN
Admin.Employee ON ShopFloor.EmployeeActivity.ClockNumber = Admin.Employee.ClockNumber
WHERE (ShopFloor.EmployeeActivity.StartEvent BETWEEN GETDATE() - 180 AND GETDATE()) AND (NOT (ShopFloor.EmployeeActivity.ClockNumber IN (100, 10090, 10000, 777, 999, 10001, 10098, 10002))) AND
(ShopFloor.EmployeeActivity.ActivityTypeCode = 1)
ORDER BY Date, Name, [Start Time]
Hopefully this makes sense and any help would be appreciated!
I don't normally create tables, only deal with creating views from current tables but I think this would be an example of our table.
IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('myTable'))
DROP TABLE [myTable];
CREATE TABLE [myTable] (
[Date] VARCHAR(255),
[Name] VARCHAR(255) NULL,
[StartEvent] VARCHAR(255),
[FinishEvent] VARCHAR(255),
[ClockNumber] VARCHAR(255) NULL,
INSERT INTO myTable([Date],[Name],[StartEvent],[FinishEvent],[ClockNumber])
VALUES('03/03/2019','Abdul Pugh','2018-09-12 10:50:36','2017-09-11
INSERT INTO myTable([Date],[Name],[StartEvent],[FinishEvent],[ClockNumber])
VALUES('08/23/2017','Kiayada Knight','2018-09-18 17:22:47','2017-06-15
statements for the tables in question adding the desired output. Those answering need a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. Use formatted text please, no screen shots.