I am attempting to migrate from Postgres 9.6 to 10.3 and during the restore each index is recreated one by one - this is a problem.

So far I thought pg_dumpall is a good option.

pg_dumpall -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 --clean --file=dumpall_clean.sql

Once this is done the file is around 1.2TB in size and I can load it to the new 10.3 instance with

psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5433 < dumpall_clean.sql



As I learned the indicies are not backed up like tables are, they are simply recreated, and that is my problem.

The cluster has thousands of partitions each with several million rows and two indices (one BTREE and one GIST). This takes days since each index is created one by one.

As I have enough resources and I know which indices have to be created, I would perfer to do this step after the dump has been restored. Initially I made 8 FOR loops (to run in parallel) to go through the partitions, and created an index by moving a partition to a faster tablespace (SSD), create the index, then move the table and the index back to the default tablespace. So far this has worked for me.

Question How can I have the same result* of a pg_dumpall dump without recreating the indices when loading the dumpall_clean.sql file? A pg_dumpall --without-index would be nice.

"This currently includes information about database users and groups, tablespaces, and properties such as access permissions that apply to databases as a whole." - pg_dumpall manual

  • Are the two Postgres installations on the same server? If yes, you could use pg_upgrade with the --link option which will massively increase the speed of the migration
    – user1822
    Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 5:59
  • @a_horse_with_no_name, two separate machines.
    – Michael
    Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 6:22

4 Answers 4


It's been a while since this was up, but we need do something like this in our restores. Finding this answer has actually made me realize I can use something just like this to speed up my current restore by cutting out the index creation :)

You can use the -l and -L flags to pg_restore to list actions and use a list of actions.

From my notes in our script:

    # pg_restore -l gives a list of all operations that would be performed during the restore.
    # pg_restore -L accepts a list of operations from file to perform during the restore.

So you can use -l to dump the list of operations from an existing dump, filter it, and then run again w/ -L to accept that newly filtered list of operations.

In practice that looks something like:

    ${PGRESTORE} --dbname=db_restore -Fc -l dump_filename \
        | grep -v "public view_we_dont_want" \
        | grep -v "public postgres" >${tmpFile}
    ${PGRESTORE} --dbname=db_restore -Fc -L ${tmpFile} dump_filename

I can see one workaround for this, by using pg_dumpall in two steps:

pg_dumpall --schema-only ....

Then edit the file and extract the index definitions into a second file. You also need to extract the foreign keys, because you have to run them manually after the import (probably together with the index creation script)

Then run that script (without the indexes) to create the (empty) tables. You

pg_dumpall --data-only ....

Then run that script to import the data into the new database. After that run the FK and index creation scripts.

  • Thanks! Couple of questions; As I also need the roles and tablespaces, should I do pg_dumpall --globals-only ... --file=globals.sql, pg_dumpall --schema-only ... --file=schema.sql, and then pg_dumpall --data-only ... --file=data.sql? Then I can edit the schema.sql as you suggested and run (in this order?) globals.sql, schema.sql,data.sql, and then the index creation the way I want it? I am also thinking of using grep to find the lines with CREATE INDEX, write a new file and commenting them in the orginal *.sql dump using sed.
    – Michael
    Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 6:46
  • @Michael: yes you would need globals as well. I was just focusing on the basic idea to separate the generation of the DDL from the actual data.
    – user1822
    Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 6:50

Before Upgrade;

Dump globals;

pg_dumpall --globals-only --file=globals.sql

Dump pre-data;

pg_dump --format=plain --create --section=pre-data --file=pre-data.sql db_name

Dump post-data;

pg_dump --format=custom --section=post-data --file=post-data.custom db_name
pg_dump --format=plain --section=post-data --file=post-data.sql db_name

Restore globals, pre-data, "grant" section of post-data (extract it from post-data.sql using text editor)

psql --file=globals.sql
psql --file=pre-data.sql
psql --file=post-data-permissions.sql db_name

Cut for upgrade...

Dump data;

pg_dump --format=directory --jobs=8 --section=data --compress=9 --file=data.d db_name

Restore data;

pg_restore --jobs=8 --dbname=db_name data.d

--> now db is ready for connection (and its slow of course)

Restore indexes fkeys and grants (yeah again but its ok)

pg_restore --jobs=8 --dbname=db_name post-data.custom

it should be possible to just filter them out using "grep" :

grep -v '^CREATE INDEX [^\t]*;$'  dump.sql | psql


pg_dumpall "source db connection string"  | \
grep -v '^CREATE INDEX [^\t]*;$'          | \
psql "destination db connection string"

should be safe unless you have matching lines inside stored code.

in your specific case:

grep -v '^CREATE INDEX [^\t]*;$' dumpall_clean.sql | psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5433 
  • yes something like this is what I was thinking about, too. Since, there are procedures that contain the CREATE INDEX statement, I just have to match those lines a bit better.
    – Michael
    Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 7:09
  • perhaps you can find those procedures and modify the lines so that they start with a space or tab or end with a comment or space etc . then they won't match that regex.
    – Jasen
    Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 23:50
  • there's probably an SQL update you could run to do that :)
    – Jasen
    Commented Apr 20, 2018 at 23:51
  • update pg_catalog.pg_proc as p set prosrc= regexp_replace(prosrc,'CREATE INDEX ',' CREATE INDEX ','g') where p.prolang = ( select oid from pg_catalog.pg_language where lanname='plpgsql' );
    – Jasen
    Commented Apr 21, 2018 at 0:08

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