I have a json that I get as a file, I have loaded that in the Postgres database. Here is the json data:

"tablename": "test",
"columns": [
        "name": "field1",
        "datatype": "BigInt"
        "name": "field2",
        "datatype": "String"


Now I have to create a table dynamically, I am thinking of writing a function in Postgres to do that. So the table would be named test with 2 fields one as string and another as bigint.

I am able to get the table name by doing a select as below:

select (metadata->'tablename') from public.json_metadata;

However, I am having difficulty getting all the nested column names to form a create table statement.

1- How would you go about doing that, any built in Postgres functions to extract that.

2- Is a Postgres function the best way to approach this problem, or should I write this in python (I will have to learn Python) or shell script.

The number of columns would not be fixed, different json files will have different number of columns.

  • How do you know the source didnt misspell data_type? Or was that datatype or case sensitive dataType or DATATYPE or ..... ?? You get the picture. Bad Idea Commented May 7, 2018 at 21:46
  • Probably its bad idea. Just try something like this. select 'create table ' || (metadata->'tablename') || '(' || (metadata->'columns'-> 0 -> 'name') || ' ' || (metadata->'columns'-> 0 -> 'datatype') || ', ' || (metadata->'columns'-> 1 -> 'name') || ' ' || (metadata->'columns'-> 1 -> 'datatype') || ');' from json_tables Yeah, you should find solution to replace column index position since It can be n number of column and I couldn't find any.
    – RBB
    Commented May 8, 2018 at 6:56

2 Answers 2


You need dynamic SQL for that, which carries the hazard of SQL injection.
However, done properly, this is safe against SQLi:


   SELECT format('CREATE TABLE %I(%s)', metadata->>'tablename', c.cols)
   FROM   public.json_metadata m
      SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(col->>'name')
                        || ' ' ||  (col->>'datatype')::regtype, ', ') AS cols
      FROM   json_array_elements(metadata->'columns') col
      ) c

Table and column names are treated as case-sensitive. (You may want lower-case instead.) The type name is treated as case-insensitive, and any valid type name works.

Of course, this would raise an exception for the non-existent data type String you display. Try with text instead.

Note the use of format(), the object identifier type regclass, quote_ident(), the aggregation of columns in the LATERAL subquery and the DO command to execute dynamic SQL.


-- Read json fields and create the create table statement
        -- Check if primarykey is null
        if v_pkey::text = 'null'
            v_create_stmt := 'SELECT format(''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s);'', y.tname2, y.cols)
                        (select s.tname1 as tname2,
                        string_agg(common.f_remove_non_alphanumerics(lower((s.details ->> ''dbname'')::text), '''') || '' '' || lower((s.details->>''datatype'')::text) || '' '' || case when (s.details->>''isRequired'') = ''true''
                        then ''not null''
                        else ''null''
                        end, '', '') AS cols
                        from (
                            select schema ||''.''|| tname as tname1, json_array_elements(colname) as details
                            from common.json_metadata
                        ) s
                        group by s.tname1
                    ) y;';
            v_create_stmt := 'SELECT format(''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s, PRIMARY KEY (%s));'', y.tname2, y.cols, y.pkey)
                      (select s.tname1 as tname2,
                      string_agg(common.f_remove_non_alphanumerics(lower((s.details ->> ''dbname'')::text), '''') || '' '' || lower((s.details->>''datatype'')::text) || '' '' || case when (s.details->>''isRequired'') = ''true''
                      then ''not null''
                      else ''null''
                      end, '', '') AS cols,
                      string_agg( case when (s.pkey_dtl ->> ''namepk'')::text is not null
                      then common.f_remove_non_alphanumerics((s.pkey_dtl ->> ''namepk'')::text, '''')
                      else null
                      end, '', '') AS pkey
                      from (
                          select schema ||''.''|| tname as tname1, json_array_elements(colname) as details, json_array_elements(primarykey) as pkey_dtl
                          from common.json_metadata
                      ) s
                      group by s.tname1
                  ) y;';
        end if;
  • I was able to create the function as above. Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 21:37

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