Sorry for the delay on this one. I'm not sure if protocol dictates that I answer my own question to post these details, but comments (to Erwin's answer) don't provide enough space.
So I was noticing pretty poor performance using the above individual indexes when I'd run queries. I have 2 main uses cases:
- Query for all things in the 'public sphere' or my own:
(user_id = 123 OR user_id IS NULL) AND search_on % 'my_string'
- Query for all things by type, in the 'public sphere' or my own
(user_id = 123 OR user_id IS NULL) AND type='my-type' AND search_on % 'mystring'
I forgot to mention that type IS NOT NULL
in all of this, so there's never a case where I want to fetch NULL typed rows, only NULL user_id rows.
Using the separate indexes from the original post, I'd see queries taking anywhere from 1s to 10+s. It seemed as if "warming up" and running a few queries would bring the time down, but even 1 second is insufficient for a typeahead without negatively affecting the UX.
Playing with Erwin's suggestions, I added first:
CREATE INDEX idx_typed_search ON search USING gist (user_id, type, search_on gist_trgm_ops);
And ran both typed and non-typed queries. The typed queries were insanely fast (~ 50 ms) and the non-typed were still pretty slow, but definitely faster than the original posting with separate indexes (~ 400 ms)
Then I added:
CREATE INDEX idx_search ON search USING gist (user_id, search_on gist_trgm_ops);
and ran both typed and non-typed queries. As expected, typed queries weren't affected, they used the other index, but non-typed queries actually got worse (~ 1000+ ms). Dropping that index brought them back down to (~ 400ms)
So I wasn't sure if it was the presence of two potentially competing indexes to choose from that caused performance issues. Since I'm absolutely satisfied with the typed indexing (~ 50ms is roughly the speed I was hoping for) I decided to focus just on the untyped queries.
With no indexes, the baseline query using a sequence scan runs in about 8s (roughly 700,000 total rows)
With the individual btree index on user_id
plus the gist_trgm on search_on
, the performance is in the 400ms range. Interestingly it never uses the user_id index, because by the time it index scans on the search term, there's probably only a few rows to filter out from other user_ids (given my current data). This could likely change over time with more user data though, so I think the user_id index still makes sense even though its unused in this case.
With the combined gist (user_id, search_on) index, I get performance roughly similar to the 2 separate indexes (~ 400ms)
I should mention that the shape of the data is such that there would be 100's of records owned by each user_id, but 100's of 1000's (a majority) of records in the 'public sphere' (user_id IS NULL).
Given that data shape, it seems best to simply optimize for the search term and type themselves, as the user_id filtering at the end of the query is cheap.
Since a specific non-typed index doesn't actually yield any performance benefit, it seems the best option is to stick with a single gist index on the type
and search_on
columns only:
CREATE INDEX idx_typed_global_search ON searchables USING gist (type, search_on gist_trgm_ops);
I don't have enough users currently to test the user_id filtering, but my guess is that as we grow our user base, an index on user_id would yield fruit.
user_id = 123 OR user_id IS NULL
AND search_on % 'mystring'
? You need parentheses to keepAND
binding beforeOR