I had a query that was taking way too much time despite having all the indexes I could think of.
Eventually, I realized that one of the JOIN .. ON
inside the query was casting a column's content to another data type because the column from table A
is of type varchar
while the matching column of table B
is of type integer
I changed my code to use a temporary table in which I insert the rows I need from table A
and cast the column from varchar
to integer
It improved the query speed by about a 1000x!
Table zone_site
CREATE TABLE traitements.zones_sites (
pkid serial PRIMARY KEY,
pkid_site integer NOT NULL,
origine varchar(50) NOT NULL,
origine_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- can't be converted to int
catégorie varchar(255) NOT NULL,
horodatage timestamp NOT NULL,
geom geometry(MultiPolygon,2154),
précision_contour varchar(100),
statut varchar(100),
détails_jsonb text,
CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geomloc CHECK (ST_NDims(geom) = 2)
CREATE INDEX zones_sites_idx_pkid_site ON traitements.zones_sites (pkid_site);
CREATE INDEX zones_sites_géométrie ON traitements.zones_sites USING GIST (geom);
CREATE INDEX zones_sites_précision_contour ON traitements.zones_sites (précision_contour);
CREATE INDEX zones_sites_idx_catégorie ON traitements.zones_sites (catégorie);
CREATE INDEX zones_sites_idx_origine ON traitements.zones_sites (origine);
CREATE INDEX zones_sites_idx_statut ON traitements.zones_sites (statut);
ALTER TABLE traitements.zones_sites
ADD CONSTRAINT zones_sites_references_sites_candidats FOREIGN KEY (pkid_site)
REFERENCES traitements.sites_candidats(pkid) ON DELETE CASCADE;
Related question on dba.SE:
Unfortunately, the column traitements.zones_sites.origine_id
cannot be of type integer
because it holds identifier from several origins, some of them not being integers.
Original query:
SELECT emprises.pkid, emprises.pkid_site, emprises.origine, parcelles.idpar
FROM traitements.zones_sites AS emprises
JOIN parcelles ON parcelles.idpk::varchar = emprises.origine_id
WHERE emprises.catégorie = 'emprise_site'
AND emprises.précision_contour = 'contour_inconnu'
AND emprises.origine = 'xxxxxxxxx';
Modified code:
pkid serial PRIMARY KEY,
pkid_site integer NOT NULL,
origine varchar(50) NOT NULL,
idpk_parcelle integer NOT NULL
INSERT INTO temp_emprises (pkid, pkid_site, origine, idpk_parcelle)
SELECT pkid, pkid_site, origine, origine_id::integer
FROM traitements.zones_sites AS emprises
WHERE emprises.catégorie = 'emprise_site'
AND emprises.précision_contour = 'contour_inconnu'
AND emprises.origine = 'xxxxxxxxx';
CREATE INDEX ON temp_emprises(idpk_parcelle);
SELECT emprises.pkid, emprises.pkid_site, emprises.origine, parcelles.idpar
FROM temp_emprises AS emprises
JOIN parcelles ON parcelles.idpk = emprises.idpk_parcelle;
Is there a better solution?
statement for the originaltraitements.zones_sites
showing data types and constraints. And tell us how you measured factor 1000 exactly. (Including temp table & index creation?) One way or another, there is an even better solution, I am pretty sure. Can the underlying columntraitements.zones_sites.origine_id
be converted tointeger
like suggested in my referenced answer?