TL;DR - I would like examples of where using a GROUP BY
(example shown below) using columns not in the SELECT
list can be used to resolve SQL challenges in a [practical | elegant | powerful] way. I mean in a general way - the example demonstrated below is interesting because it demonstrates the principle (but it doesn't work!). I want working examples where use of this technique can be used to achieve something "significant".
Following up to this question, which required the counting of routes from point_x to point_y and vice-versa, taking routes between the same points to be equivalent - i.e. A -> B
is the same for the count purposes as B -> A
. A working general solution to that question is given there.
However, one poster (SQLRaptor) showed a solution which solved the problem for the (presumably) subset of data shown in the question, but this poster also said that their solution wasn't general and asked the OP could they see why? SQLRaptor also said this was an example of a GROUP BY using columns not in the SELECT
list and that this could be an elegant (powerful) solution to some SQL challenges!
SQLRaptor's solution (using my own notation from answer) was:
SELECT MIN(origin) AS point_1,
MAX(destination) AS point_2,
COUNT(*) AS journey_count
FROM route
GROUP BY ASCII(origin) * ASCII(destination)
ORDER BY point_1, point_2
I thought the non-generality might be something to do with the multiplication (duplicates), but had no concrete proof. This transpired to be the case - see my proof here and here.
Unfortunately, this example of using a GROUP BY
using columns not in the SELECT
list doesn't work very well - what I would like are examples of where this technique can work well?
problem is to derive a group_number from the difference between row_number() over different partitions, where one partition is a subset of the other. The group_number is used in the group by, but not in the select