Here is a link to the SQLfiddle. For pagination purpose, I am first executing a query to execute if's and order by's and return a list of ids, using which I query for all the data with contained lists for those ids. I am having a problem with order by in the first query, where it wont let me use order by in a nested statement(view). In short, a fiddle is provided. Using the query
SELECT req.reqId, req.RN from (
(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY A.requisitionId asc)) as RN,
A.reqId as reqId
FROM dbo.RequisitionToPatient B
INNER JOIN dbo.Requisition A ON A.reqId = B.reqId
INNER JOIN dbo.Orders C on C.reqId = A.reqId
) req
GROUP BY req.reqId, req.RN
I am getting
reqId RN
12 1
12 2
14 3
11 4
11 5
10 6
10 7
9 8
9 9
9 10
9 11
What I want is