I am trying to improve the speed of the following query:
SUM(amount) AS total,
AVG(case when service_years >= 30 then amount end) AS average,
FROM pensions_pension
WHERE agency_id = 4
GROUP BY employer
Table structure:
id: integer (primary key)
name: text
slug: varchar(50)
title: text
employer: text
pension: numeric(10,2)
benefits: numeric(10,2)
disability: numeric(10,2)
amount: numeric(10,2)
service_years: numeric(10,2)
retirement_year: smallint
year: smallint
agency_id: integer (foreign key)
rank: smallint
note_text: text
Existing index definitions:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pensions_pension_pkey ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (id)
CREATE INDEX employer ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (employer)
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_agency_id ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (agency_id)
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_amount ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (amount DESC)
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_employer ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (employer)
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_rank_idx ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (rank, amount DESC)
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_slug ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (slug)
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_slug_like ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (slug varchar_pattern_ops)
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_year ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (year)
CREATE INDEX year_amount ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (year DESC, amount DESC)
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_year_29d1e58f8ad8ed60_uniq ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (year)
CREATE INDEX idx_pensions_pension_year_agency_id ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (year, agency_id) WHERE ((year <= 2016) AND (year IS NULL))
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_idx_agency_id ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (agency_id)
CREATE INDEX pensions_pension_partial_agency_id__index ON public.pensions_pension USING btree (agency_id, employer) WHERE (agency_id = 4)
This is the query plan when I run ANALYZE EXPLAIN in postgresql:
Sort (cost=215259.09..215266.48 rows=2956 width=96) (actual time=9976.097..9976.672 rows=3527 loops=1)
Sort Key: (count(*)) DESC NULLS LAST
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 551kB
-> HashAggregate (cost=215044.35..215088.69 rows=2956 width=96) (actual time=9968.124..9973.413 rows=3527 loops=1)
Group Key: employer
-> Seq Scan on pensions_pension (cost=0.00..178968.04 rows=2886105 width=38) (actual time=0.054..5236.262 rows=2942951 loops=1)
Filter: (agency_id = 4)
Rows Removed by Filter: 2777772
Planning time: 0.443 ms
Execution time: 9983.167 ms
I tried to add an index on agency_id. I also tried creating a partial index on agency_id by setting it to agency_id=4. But the query planner keeps choosing a seq scan instead of an index scan. I'm fairly new to creating indexes and would like to learn about the process and how I can speed up something like this. I am running Postgresql 9.6.