I have found many use cases in our OLAP queries for BRIN indexes, as they are much much smaller and have comparable speed in the same order of magnitude as BTREE indexes.

Typically I use BRIN indexes for monotonically (or close to that) increasing timestamp columns. In our OLTP databases they are closely placed on the disk since naturally they get sequentially written as time goes.

In our warehousing Postgres instance some parts of the tables are loaded in big batches not necessarily ordered by time.

Is there some analytical query which would tell me if the data is placed too randomly to use BRINs even if seemingly the column value distribution should follow all the prerequisites for creating a BRIN index?

1 Answer 1


BRIN indexes only make sense for big tables (thousands of data pages or much more). (You already know that, just to guide the general public.) But how to tell whether rows are physically sorted enough?

The manual offers a hint:

BRIN indexes (a shorthand for Block Range INdexes) store summaries about the values stored in consecutive physical block ranges of a table. Thus, they are most effective for columns whose values are well-correlated with the physical order of the table rows.

Bold emphasis mine.

ANALYZE gathers a corresponding statistic stored in pg_statistic. Best accessed via the column correlation in the system view pg_stats by humans:

correlation float4

Statistical correlation between physical row ordering and logical ordering of the column values. This ranges from -1 to +1. When the value is near -1 or +1, an index scan on the column will be estimated to be cheaper than when it is near zero, due to reduction of random access to the disk. (This column is null if the column data type does not have a < operator.)

All statistics are based on a sample of rows and as such just estimates, even when up to date. You can increase validity by increasing the sample size, i.e. setting a higher "statistics target" - thereby also increasing the cost of ANALYZE, of course. The default default_statistics_target is just 100, which is OK for most purposes, but typically too low for columns of big tables with non-trivial data distribution (that are used for sorting and filtering). See:

You might even increase the statistics target temporarily, run ANALYZE, and reset the value, to get a one-time correlation with increased validity.

So, once the table is analyzed (manually, or by autovacuum) inspect:

SELECT schemaname, tablename, attname, n_distinct, correlation
FROM   pg_stats
WHERE  schemaname = 'public'
AND    tablename  = 'tbl'
AND    attname    = 'my_index_col';
  • A correlation close to 0 means a BRIN index will be useless.

  • A correlation close to 1 (or -1) means a BRIN index will be excellent.

    • With a low count in n_distinct (relative to the total count) or a negative ratio close to 0, you might increase the setting for pages_per_range (default 128) accordingly.
    • With a high count of n_distinct (relative to the total count) or a negative ratio close to -1, you might decrease the setting for pages_per_range accordingly.
  • Everything in between is a grey area. Many factors at play. Also depends a lot on the avg row size and typical queries. In my experience, values close to 0 or to 1 / -1 are common, which makes the decision easy.

That said, if the table is not sorted enough, you might make it so with CLUSTER or one of the less blocking community tools pg_squeeze or pg_repack. Rewriting the whole table in sort order is expensive for big tables, and deteriorates over time if there are UPDATE (or DELETE + INSERT) operations. But can pay for certain use cases. See:

  • 2
    Note that even one outlier value will wreck the minimum or maximum for a block range. So I am not sure if a correlation of 1 is good enough, given that these are statistical data. Commented May 19, 2022 at 9:42
  • 1
    @LaurenzAlbe: Yes, important to keep in mind. I added some pointers concerning sample size and validity. With a reasonably high statistics target, a correlation of 1 (or -1) should be a good indicator, though, as it's unlikely to get a perfectly sorted sample in an otherwise unsorted table. Commented May 19, 2022 at 11:11
  • 1
    Why didn't you recommend or suggest that the OP try using CLUSTER after a batch update - then a BRIN index have a perfect 1 for the correlation, and for every record, not just a sample?
    – Vérace
    Commented May 30, 2022 at 10:46
  • @Vérace: Didn't think to mention it, since it's about testing (and felt too obvious). But you're right, a pointer can't hurt. Commented May 30, 2022 at 13:21

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