In MySQL, I can do a query like this
prd_sectionshapename se
inner join
prd_shape s
ON = se.shape_id
se.company_shape_name = 'ABC',
s.name_en = 'Another name'
WHERE s.serial_number = '1234ST';
In Postgres, I need to split up into 2 queries
UPDATE prd_shape AS s
SET name_en = 'Another name'
WHERE s.serial_number = '1234ST';
UPDATE prd_sectionshapename AS se
SET company_shape_name = 'ABC'
FROM prd_shape s
WHERE se.shape_id = and s.serial_number = '1234ST';
My question is it possible to do it in 1 query just like MySQL?
Note that other postgres update join answers I found on the internet typically show that the update effect happens only on a single table even though a JOIN is used.
My purpose here is to update multiple tables in one query. Not just one table.