Edited: look at the last example is a better way
Yes, but you must send the two sentences within a transaction and add the "for update" clause in the select sentence.
If you send then sentences one by one you can write something like this (in Python the connection handles transactions)
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=suppliers user=postgres password=postgres")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select port from socketport where available = 't' limit 1 for update")
row = cur.fetchone()
port = row[0]
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("update socketport set available = 'f' where port = %s", (port))
If your language does not support transaction you must include manually:
const { Client } = require('pg')
const client = new Client(connOpts)
await client.query("BEGIN TRANSACTION");
var result = await client.query("select port from socketport where available = 't' limit 1 for update");
var port = result.rows[0].port;
await client.query("update socketport set available = 'f' where port = $1", [port]);
await client.query("commit");
} catch (e) {
await client.query('ROLLBACK')
throw e
} finally {
pure postgresql
You can use direct postgres. Any block is within transaction
do $SQL$
v_port integer;
select port into v_port from socketport where available = 't' limit 1 for update;
update socketport set available = 'f' where port = v_port;
looking for a better solution
using a function
You can do something like this. A postgres function that does the job and returns the port, then you can call the function from python (or whatever you want).
create or replace function get_avaialbe_port() returns integer
language plpgsql
as $SQL$
v_port integer;
select port into v_port from socketport where available = 't' limit 1 for update;
update socketport set available = 'f' where port = v_port;
return v_port;
then in your backend you can call:
select get_avaialbe_port()
All code inside a function runs inside a transaction. The "for update" is stil needed, because without it two functions can run simultaneously and can take the same value of v_port
prior to the update
only one sentence
Also you can update the selected value in one sentence
update socketport
set available = 'f'
where port in (select port from socketport where available = 't' limit 1)
returning port;
You can call it directly from python or node.js. You can see a postgres running example at: http://rextester.com/OKMC68108
sentence with RETURNING
clause acts as SELECT
you can query it and fetch the values. UPDATE ... RETURNING
is like a SELECT
that updates.
Watch at LIMIT 1
in the examples. In the postgres version it is mandatory because of SELECT INTO
. In python and node.js version it is recommended because in that way only one row is locked. Then the table can be updated with releasing ports or taking others using some kind of "order by random"