I'm trying to benchmark something. I want to create an index and get it's size in a plpgsql block.
This works:
haki=# create index ix on t(n);
haki=# select pg_relation_size('ix');
When I try the same in a plpgsql block, I'm getting ERROR: relation "ix" does not exist
haki=# DO $$DECLARE
haki$# s int;
haki$# BEGIN
haki$# PERFORM 'create index ix on t(n)';
haki$# SELECT pg_relation_size('ix') INTO s;
haki$# RAISE NOTICE 'size is %', s;
haki$# END$$;
ERROR: relation "ix" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT pg_relation_size('ix')
I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that DDL is transactional and the block is not committed (I might also be wrong!). However, I am unable to find a way around that.
Is it possible to get the size of an index created in a plpsql block?
begin; create index ix on t1(a); select pg_relation_size('ix'); rollback;