I'm trying to discard multiple records that may or may not overlap based on the smallest possible contiguous ranges. I thought of doing something similar to This, however the ranges are numeric strings on separate column and i have on the same query 4 more fields where I only need to take the record with the smallest range

Data with simplified fields

    create table invoices(
    eventname varchar,
    /*...many fields*/
    quantity varchar,
    section varchar,
    rownumber varchar,
    secondrow varchar,
    lowseat varchar,
    highseat varchar,
    /*...some more fields*/
    status varchar,
    /*...even more fields*/
    created_at timestamp default now() not null,
    updated_at timestamp

INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('2018 ACC Basketball Tournament - Session 4 (Miami vs North Carolina and Duke vs Notre Dame)', '2', '227', '15', null, '9', '10', 'DEPLETED' ,  '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);
INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('2018 ACC Basketball Tournament - Session 4 (Miami vs North Carolina and Duke vs Notre Dame)', '2', '227', '15', null, '7', '8', 'DEPLETED'  ,  '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);
INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('2018 ACC Basketball Tournament - Session 4 (Miami vs North Carolina and Duke vs Notre Dame)', '2', '227', '14', null, '23', '24', 'DEPLETED',  '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);
INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('2018 ACC Basketball Tournament - Session 4 (Miami vs North Carolina and Duke vs Notre Dame)', '1', '227', '13', null, '21', '21', 'DEPLETED',  '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);
INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('2018 ACC Basketball Tournament - Session 4 (Miami vs North Carolina and Duke vs Notre Dame)', '8', '227', '14', null, '15', '22', 'DEPLETED',  '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);
INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('2018 ACC Basketball Tournament - Session 4 (Miami vs North Carolina and Duke vs Notre Dame)', '1', '227', '14', null, '1', '1', 'DEPLETED',    '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);
INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('2018 ACC Basketball Tournament - Session 4 (Miami vs North Carolina and Duke vs Notre Dame)', '2', 'A57', 'GA', null, '1', '2', 'DEPLETED',    '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);
INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('2018 ACC Basketball Tournament - Session 4 (Miami vs North Carolina and Duke vs Notre Dame)', '3', 'A57', 'GA', null, '3', '5', 'DEPLETED',    '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);
INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('2018 ACC Basketball Tournament - Session 5 (Virginia vs. Clemson and Duke vs. North Carolina)', '3', '228', '14', null, '1', '3', 'DEPLETED', '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);
INSERT INTO public.invoices (eventname, quantity, section, rownumber, secondrow, lowseat, highseat, status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('Penn State Nittany Lions at Pittsburgh Panthers', '2', '227', 'K', null, '25', '26', 'DEPLETED', '2019-02-06 00:46:13.286828', null);

Visual representation:

Group 1

1 | =====
2 |   ===  --> take this record with all its values

Group 2

3 |    === --> take this record

Group 3

4 |       =======
5 |           ==  --> take this record
6 |         =====
  • Adjacent ranges should be merged.
  • Lower and upper bounds to be inclusive does fits best for seat numbers.

I did the following and it returns the same values for everything so i know its not right

SELECT distinct section, rownumber,
min(COALESCE(lowseat, '')) over 
(partition by grp) as lowseat,
max(maxhighseat) over (partition by grp) AS highseat
SELECT *, count(nextstart > maxhighseat OR NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY section,
rownumber ORDER BY lowseat desc, highseat desc NULLS LAST) AS grp
  SELECT section, rownumber, lowseat, highseat, max(COALESCE(highseat, '')) OVER (PARTITION BY section, rownumber ORDER BY lowseat, highseat) AS maxhighseat
       , lead(lowseat) OVER (PARTITION BY section, rownumber ORDER BY lowseat, highseat) As nextstart
  FROM invoices where status <> 'DEPLETED' and eventname like 'UCLA%'
  ) a
) b

Table important fields look like:

 id | section | row | lowseat | highseat | created_at
  1 |      14 |  18 |       1 |       15 | 2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
  2 |      14 |  18 |       4 |       15 | 2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
  3 |      12 |  13 |       2 |       13 | 2019-02-01T00:00:00.000Z
  4 |      14 |  18 |       4 |       12 | 2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
  • im using postgresql 9.6, the groups are not defined by identical upper bounds, i will edit my answer with this
    – jclozano
    Commented Feb 8, 2019 at 20:18
  • It is a record that represent a pack of tickets to be sold, so if the first three tickets are sold a new record is created with all values the same but the ticket seats, the same happens if a ticket in the middle or end gets sold. Since the data is updated slowly i get days where you have old and new records and there is no way to differentiate them. I'm not sure how to best explain this
    – jclozano
    Commented Feb 13, 2019 at 18:06

1 Answer 1


This is a classical question. The question itself has still a number of gaps, no pun intended. Filling in with some ...


  • lowseat and highseat seem to be lower & upper bound of your ranges, obviously integer numbers, but stored as varchar. Change that, or you have to add type cast to my following query.

  • You did not define whether adjacent ranges should be merged or separate. Assuming separate, since those are not strictly "overlapping".

  • Assuming lower and upper bounds to be inclusive, fits best for seat numbers.

  • Ignoring query predicates that don't line up with the sample data.


        , highseat - lowseat AS len -- off by 1, but irrelevant
        , count(gap) OVER (ORDER BY rn) AS island
   FROM  (
      SELECT *
           , (lowseat > max(highseat) OVER w) OR NULL AS gap
           , row_number() OVER w AS rn
      FROM   invoices
      WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY lowseat, highseat DESC  -- longest range 1st
      ) sub1
   ) sub2
ORDER  BY island, len, lowseat;   -- break ties by picking smallest numbers

db<>fiddle here

This is based on lowseat and highseat, the rest of the row is just ballast.

Related answer with more explanation and an alternative procedural implementation:



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