The calculation formula for difference between 2 numbers should be:
Using the above formula I need to calculate the difference in percentage between N1 and N2. Both numbers are the result of 2 separate SUM cases based on 2 ENUM values in col_type (please see below)
CONCAT('£ ',SUM(CASE WHEN t1.col_type = 'N1' THEN t2.qty * t1.price ELSE 0 END)) AS 'Total N1',
CONCAT('£ ',SUM(CASE WHEN t1.col_type = 'N2' THEN t2.qty * t1.price ELSE 0 END)) AS 'Total N2'
ON t2.col_id = t1.col_id
The resulted output should be like:
| Total N1 | Total N2 | Diff between N1 and N2 |
| 3765.50 | 3246.15 | 14.81% |
My question is how do I pass the values of N1 and N2 (already generated) to a 3rd column and calculate the difference between N1 and N2 using above formula?
Note: Please note that is percentage difference between 2 numbers and not the percentage change where (N2-N1)/N1 * 100 applies...
Thank you in advance for any reply...