We usually employ different MySQL versions for different scenarios. And I realized that similar databases, whith the same amount of tables and data, just because of different mysql versions differs in size from 43M to 223M. (~5x more)
My goal is understand why of that 5x more disk space required..
Some version 5.5.46 have this size:
du -hs /var/lib/mysql/
And some 5.7.11 habe this size:
du -hs /var/lib/mysql/
Inside of it, we use to have those default datafiles like: ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1, ibdata1, mysql..
Within 5.5.46 thay usually have this sizes respectively:
5.1M ib_logfile0
5.1M ib_logfile1
26M ibdata1
6.5M mysql
..but within 5.7.11 are waaay bigger:
48M ib_logfile0
48M ib_logfile1
76M ibdata1
12M have also this ibtmp1
25M mysql
In order to understand all that difference, I took a look to release notes where Oracle writes down what they're changing: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql/5.5/en/
But could not find something conclusive. I appreciate your help on that.