With NOLOGIN attribute role has no have permissions to connect to database. And vice versa with LOGIN.
In a simple way - USER is a ROLE with LOGIN attribute ('everything' here is a role in a Postgres).
Group role - is a role without LOGIN attribute (or with NOLOGIN attribute).
Therefore you can add role to a role to have more efficient permissions and grants management and decrease security threat.
For example I want to create a role with only read permissions, let's say only_read_permission
CREATE ROLE only_read_permission;
and I want have numerous users in database that can have access for reading each others tables.
Let's create a user (a role with LOGIN attribute) +only_read_permission role:
CREATE USER mikeaksenov IN ROLE only_read_permission;
And let's all my new created tables will have select permissions to all other users that have only_read_permission role:
GRANT SELECT ON TABLES to only_read_permission;
It's just example, so next time I can create update_permission role and add it to required users. And here is the questions - why do I need give my group roles a LOGIN attribute?
1. It's no much security here
2. There is no point in it (in this particular situation)
Another situation if you see that user doing a bad stuff you can just provide him with NOLOGIN attribute and then have a conversation with him (or anything else)
Anyway, you can do whatever you want in Postgres, it's quite agile.
It's quite confusing in a first place, but then you may start to love how you can precisely manage a user access.